Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Signs of Fall

It's ironic that I am posting a "Signs of Fall" blog post today... That is because we are having a VERY HOT week here in Tennessee--with temperatures near 90 all week... BUT-- even with the summer weather, we do have some signs that Autumn is coming... Today I'll share with you some pictures I took around our yard yesterday.

Above is our new wood delivery --which we order each Fall. We stay a year ahead --so that the new wood has a year to ripen! You can see George working hard to stack all of that wood. Below are more pictures.

George has a special 'system' for stacking our wood. You can see this year's wood on the right side---ready to burn, IF we ever get some cold weather!!! ha... He does such a good job --that we have seldom had any of the stacks to fall. What a man!!!!

Our Pink Dogwood is definitely showing signs of Fall.... Isn't it pretty???

I included this picture to show you a couple of the large trees in our back yard. Since we have been so horribly hot and DRY this summer, many leaves on several of our trees are just dying and falling off... I truly don't know how much Fall color we will have this year... It's just a 'wait and see' process I guess.

OKAY---this is one for all of you flower lovers.... This IS a popular Fall bloomer. Do you know what it is?????????? Isn't it gorgeous????

This is it!!! Do you recognize it now????? It is Autumn Joy Sedum... I love it in the Fall --since it starts out a pink color, and by the end of Fall, it turns into a burnt orange....

George took the picture above this one with his macro lens... SO---for all of you people who don't think that the macro lenses are worth getting, WELL---I think we proved it --when looking at these two pictures... I like them both, but the details in that upper one are just fabulous!!!!

I'll finish by showing you some of our gorgeous Roses in Fall... This is the new flowerbed near the road ---and the flowers love this bed. Roses will bloom from Spring through Fall (until the first freeze) ----but Spring and Fall are the best times WHEN it is not as hot. I enjoy our Fall Roses.

I took several other pictures of 'pretties' around our yard --but that will be another post sometime... Hope life for you is going well.. I do have a prayer request. Jake, the husband of a very special blog friend, RUTH (of Jake and Ruth's Photo Blog), is in the hospital with a mass on his pancreas. These are wonderful people from Manitoba. I am praying hard for Jake--and I ask that you remember him (them) also.
