Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Beautiful Lights at the Opryland Hotel Resort, Nashville, TN

Here's another post from our December 19, 2013 visit to see the Christmas Lights at the Opryland Hotel Resort.  Hope you didn't miss seeing the gorgeous Nativity from there I published on my January 10th blog post. 

Today,  I'll show you some more photos from outside the hotel.  Above is a beautiful decoration---made to be a huge 'tree' with poinsettias around the bottom.  Beautiful, isn't it?

Here is a close-up of one of the huge Poinsettias.   I love this flower/decoration.  Do you?

Above is a photo showing some of the beautifully decorated trees in the area.  Wonder how many many lights there are total????

Here is one more photo showing more of the awesome trees all lit up.

And here is a photo I took from outside while looking back toward the entrance to the hotel.  I will show one more photo from outside on my other blog (Betsy's Photo Blog) that you do not want to miss seeing.  Click HERE  for that photo (January 15 post).

We met George's daughter, Kelly and hubby Chuck, in Nashville that evening for a Christmas Dinner at the Claim Jumper Restaurant in Opry Mills Mall and then,  we all visited the hotel in order to see their Christmas decorations --and of course, to take LOTS of photos!!!!   Below are some photos of the four of us taken in the Opryland Hotel Resort.

Here is a photo of George's beautiful daughter, Kelly, and her hubby, Chuck.

Kelly took this photo of George and me ---carrying all of our camera gear!!!!

AND-- Here's a photo of the four of us taken with the tripod... We had a great time with those two very active, very busy young adults.

Finally,  I want to send a shout-out to my middle son, Mark, who turns 44 today!!!!  Happy Birthday, Sweetie.  I love you!

Have a great Wednesday --and don't forget to check out the photo I posted on my Photo Blog.  Thanks to so many of you for your kind words to me after our near-head-on-collision on Monday afternoon.  I'm still talking about it --and keep thinking of what could have been.  For those who don't know,  a car came straight toward us on a 2-lane road here near our home --in OUR lane.  He was about 15-20 feet from hitting us head-on.  George swerved and we went into a ditch.  Luckily,  the ditch wasn't steep and there were no trees nearby for us to hit.  We were FINE and the car is fine --other than being extremely muddy and dirty around the tires and bottom. Our angels were with us for sure --and I thank God and thank George for staying calm and knowing what to do to save our lives.  Neither of us have EVER gone through a close-call like this before.  SCARY.

NOTE:  Anyone getting an email from me (with a Cox.net address)--do NOT open it. I will not send out an email just with a link.  The one that hubby got, was a link and said AMAZING.   I must have gotten spammed!  I will change passwords AGAIN.  Thanks..  (So far,  nobody has received an email except my hubby--so hopefully,  things are okay.)

Another NOTE:  Anyone with Google+  may want to read THIS if you don't want your name used in advertisements --which you may not recommend.  
