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Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Very WIDE Waterfall

When we went to West Virginia in April (see other posts from that trip by clicking
HERE) we saw an incredibly WIDE waterfall. It is so wide that we had to take three different pictures in order to capture it all. The waterfall is named SANDSTONE FALLS and is near the quaint little town of Hinton, WV.

Sandstone Falls is on the New River ---and this area is now known as the New River Gorge National River. People come here to hike, camp, fish and go whitewater rafting. We were there on a rainy day in April --but even with the rains, we enjoyed seeing this unique and fabulous place. They have built a large boardwalk --so that we could walk out quite far in order to see the entire waterfall and more of the wild and raging river. The New River is about 1500 feet across---and the waterfall encompassed the entire width. It's not a tall waterfall (only about 25 feet in height) --but just seeing the entire river was worth the entire trip to that mountainous area.

Here are some pictures we took of that waterfall and area. Above is me standing near the beginning of the waterfall --as we started walking out on the boardwalk. Below are more.


Part II of SANDSTONE FALLS; This is near the middle of the river... We enjoyed walking out on the boardwalk to see this river and the falls.

George is on the boardwalk. Hope you all get to visit this neat area if you are ever in West Virginia. It's awesome!!!

We are standing at the end of the boardwalk in order to see Part III of SANDSTONE FALLS. This is the prettiest end of the falls ---and I love seeing the mountains surrounding this beautiful river.

Using the zoom lens, here is a close-up of part of Part III of SANDSTONE FALLS. Isn't it gorgeous?

On the other side of New River, there are high bluffs. We had read that there was a look-out from up on the top where you can see the entire waterfall from above. WELL---we drove back to Hinton, crossed the river and took the road up that mountain. We did find the lookout ---but were disappointed in the overall look of the river and falls. Be that as it may, here is the best view we could find of SANDSTONE FALLS ---all 1500 feet across. My advice is to take the boardwalk and enjoy the waterfall in its 3 parts.

Besides seeing Sandstone Falls and the New River Gorge area, I was impressed with the small town of Hinton, WV. Hinton was a booming railroad town many years ago. Once the railroads began to disappear, Hinton almost disappeared also.. BUT--the people have kept the town alive --due to tourism, and history. When you visit Sandstone Falls, be sure and check out Hinton also!!!
