Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Friday, October 26, 2012


We enjoyed our visit to OHIO with good friends,  Neal and Patti.  The first hike we took on 10/16/12 was to the Rockbridge State Nature Preserve (near Logan, Ohio).  The hike took us to a natural bridge.....  BUT--as evidenced from the above collage,   we not only saw that awesome bridge,  but we also saw some fabulous colors on the trees in that area.

Hope you enjoy our hike as much as we did... Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

I took this picture of Neal and George on the trail...  (You can also see Patti in the back--behind George.)  Note how pretty that area is!!!  It was a cool, crisp morning --and we all enjoyed the hike.

Here is a picture of the natural bridge when we got to it.  What an amazing bridge....  God's world is just AWESOME.

I was standing on the edge looking down at the area BELOW the bridge.  It's hard getting a good angle so that you can see the bridge and the area below.

SO---we walked down under the bridge.... I took  a cute picture of Tiny Patti  standing on a rock under the natural bridge.  Isn't she just a Cutie?

Here's a neat picture from below ---looking UP at the natural bridge above us...  Isn't this just an awesome place??????  (Think I said that all week---everywhere we went!!!! ha)

George took this picture of me on the trail... By the time we hiked back to the car,  it was time to put away the jackets.... ha

Before going to the next hiking area,  we stopped for a 'necessary' break.   At this rest stop,  there were lines and lines of gorgeous Maple trees....  We all took many many photos here. 

George set up the tripod to get a picture of the four friends in front of one of those beautiful Maple trees. 

If you ever get to Logan, Ohio,  be sure and check out the Rockbridge State Nature Preserve.... The natural bridge was truly marvelous!!!!  If you want to read more about this natural bridge,  click HERE.

Have a fabulous weekend and I'll see you on Monday.  The cold front is COMING this weekend!!!!  I'm ready for a roaring fire in the fireplace.
