Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Monday, June 7, 2021

IRISES in our YARD 2021

Dear Blog Friends,  How are you?  I am doing well now (at least for now)--since I'm on a new medication for my A Fib.... We have also had a very busy month.   First was Mother's Day that you read about in my last post... Then--the next weekend,  we had a big Family Picnic in honor of my youngest son's 50th Birthday... Following on the next two weekends,   we spent a day with Mark and Robin when they were camping at Cumberland Mountain State Park (near us) --and the next week when they were camping at Fall Creek Falls State Park (about an hour's drive south of us)...   It has been a great month --and I love being with family.

Even though our Roses are blooming now,   I don't want to neglect all of our 34 varieties of IRISES we had blooming in our yard between 4/15  and now (6/4) since a few of them are still blooming! Most bloomed by the 20th of May!    SO---I made some collages and am sharing all of them in one Blog post.  Only one bloomed AFTER I made the collages--and that is of course a special one since its name is TENNESSEE VOL.  I included that one near the bottom of the post!

I won't take time to put all of the names on this post --but if you find one you especially like,  just ask and I'll send you the name...  I featured 6 pictures at the bottom --which are favorites of mine. Hope you enjoy seeing our IRISES for 2021...  Hopefully some of them, including ones which haven't bloomed yet,  will re-bloom in the Fall. 

This was a favorite of mine this Spring.  Her name is CONCERTINA and she bloomed and bloomed!!!!

Here is TENNESSEE VOL.   This was the last one to bloom this spring,  and bloomed AFTER I made the Collages...  However,  since I am a Tennessee Vol,  this one is a favorite.

This Iris has been a favorite for several years due to the 'frilly' look she has... Her name is ORANGE HARVEST.

This is one of our new IRISES named PICASO MOON.  I love that gorgeous bright yellow color.

We had this one last year,  but it didn't bloom until now... WOW--it was worth waiting for,  don't you think?  The name is PAPRIKA FONO'S ---and is definitely one of my newer favorites. 

And the WINNER (for me) again this year is BOUNTIFUL HARVEST!!!  I wish all of you could see this one in bloom.   Such an amazing beauty!!!!!


 I hope you enjoyed seeing our IRISES.   These plants/flowers can bring a lot of color to one's yard --and they take very little care.   They just do their own thing --and come back year after year.  The only thing we have to do is to separate them on occasion--when they spread out TOO much!!!!

And for us living here in the woods,  the DEER do not like Irises ---so we gradually have added more Irises and less Tulips (which the deer love)....  

Hope you have a very good JUNE....  We have been so cool here these past few months --but they say that we are supposed to have a VERY HOT summer.... The Roses,  Lilies and Day Lilies LOVE the heat,  but ME?  Not so much!!!!!

My question to you:  Do you have a favorite (or favorites) from this group?

