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Monday, July 22, 2013

Visits to the PINNACLE at Cumberland Gap, TN/VA/KY

A view of KENTUCKY from the Pinnacle
George and I love visiting the PINNACLE at Cumberland Gap,  TN/VA/KY ---and managed to go there twice during our Anniversary trip (June 19-23, 2013).   The Pinnacle is an overlook on top of the mountain above Cumberland Gap.   You can drive to the parking area and then walk the rest of the way up there.

The first four photos were taken during the afternoon of June 19.  The remaining photos were taken that night --as we watched the sun go down in the west... The park closes at dark---so once it starts REALLY getting dark,  we have to high-tail it outta there!!!!!! OR else, they'd lock the gates and we'd be stuck inside all night!!!!!  (Maybe that wouldn't be a bad idea though... ha ha )

Be sure to click on the pictures for enlargements... Hope you enjoy seeing some of our views from the Pinnacle.

A view of VIRGINIA from the Pinnacle

A view of TENNESSEE from the Pinnacle

Here is a photo I took of George as we hiked to the PINNACLE.  This is a neat trail --and even people in wheel chairs can come up here (since it is paved).

Another view of KENTUCKY as the sun was beginning to go down in the west
We went back that evening after dinner to get some good sky pictures as the sun went down.

Sunset from the Pinnacle
Shame on those trees for being in the way of 'my' sunset.... BUT--we're going back there in October ---and I should be able to see the sunset from the Pinnacle then.

Oh those glorious clouds as the sun was setting

Pretty clouds and an almost-full-moon!
This was on June 19--and the Super Moon (Fullmoon) was on the 23rd...  So--you can tell that we not only enjoyed seeing those gorgeous colorful clouds --but we also enjoyed the moon that evening... Neat, huh?

A view of KENTUCKY after SUNSET
This is the 3rd photo  from this spot I have showed you on this post... Amazing how different things look when the sky is different!!!  (That is Fern Lake showing off its reflections.)

As we left the parking area (at 'almost' dark)----we stopped on the other side of the mountain.   George took this picture of me standing up on top of a rock getting ready to take pictures.

Looking down at the city lights of Pineville, KY
I love seeing the lights of cities at both sunrise and sunset.... Even though there is a ridge between us,  you can see some of the city lights of the town of Pineville, KY.

I'll close this post with one more photo showing how beautiful the clouds were that evening  (June 19, 2013) from the PINNACLE after sunset....

Hope you enjoyed seeing more of our photos from our Anniversary trip... We enjoy taking photos and then sharing them.

Have a fabulous day.
