Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Early--EARLY Spring Flowers in our Yard

Hello!!!!  Welcome to March!  Our winter overall has been so mild --so it has made me excited about SPRING.   However,  I know that we 'may' have more cold weather before Spring truly gets here... SO???  As much fun as it is to see Spring growth,  it still scares me a little --wondering what kind of March and April we will have.......???????

BUT today,  I'll show you the first Spring flowers in our yard this year.  All of these pictures were taken on February 23....    As a matter of reference,  our first Daffodil bloomed last year on March 13....  This year,  they are 2.5 weeks earlier!!!!!  This is definitely the earliest spring I can remember --at least since we moved here in 2003.

Hope you enjoy our new blooms.  Above is some of our gorgeous CROCUS blooms.  Aren't they just so pretty????  Be sure and click on the pictures to make them larger.

We planted PANSIES last Fall --in hopes of having some color in the yard during the winter.  They have done very well this year.   Here's one pretty bloom for you to enjoy!

Our main ground cover all through the yard is PERIWINKLE.  In the Spring,  the Periwinkle blooms and we have lots and lots of gorgeous blue flowers..  Here is a picture of one of them blooming already!!!

Here's another patch of a small CROCUS plant which Dad Adams gave us in 2003.   This one blooms every year for us ---and reminds us of Dad and his love of beautiful flowers. He doesn't have a garden any longer ---but certainly had a beautiful one for many years.

This is the first bloom from our CANDY TUFT.  I couldn't get it out of the shade so I had to hold it up in order to get a picture... Soon,  we should have LOTS of Candy Tuft blooming!!!

Finally,  here is our first Daffodil blooms for 2012.  I love Daffodils (grew up calling them Jonquils since that is what my mother said)---and we have many many more to bloom.

Well---that is what we have to share SO FAR... I'm sure that I'll have many, many more posts as spring truly gets here...

Have a wonderful weekend.  I will see you on Monday.
