Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, March 16, 2015

An Arkansas Birthday 3/9/15

George enjoying a Carrot Cake for his birthday
George and I celebrated his 73rd birthday last week by spending several days in one of our favorite places,  Mt. Nebo State Park,  Arkansas...  We go there every year in the winter --and absolutely love it on the mountain top overlooking the valley below.   We always get Cabin 60 because of the location --and during winter,  there aren't many people around;  AND we can enjoy a wood fire in the fireplace!  LOVE it...

Each year brings different weather and different experiences... This year was a year that we truly NEEDED a 'get-away' trip (after all of the winter storms here at home).  And luckily,  the weather while we were there was WARM --with no ice or snow or sleet.  We did have lots of clouds and fog --but we were NOT complaining one single bit... ha

Some of the things we did while there THIS year (besides just enjoying our cabin and the surroundings) were:  celebrate George's birthday (3/9),  visit Petit Jean State Park,  visit Mt. Magazine State Park,  visit the chapel at Garvin Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs,  visit Lake Catherine State Park,  and visit Lost Valley State Park.   As you can see,  it was a busy week --but we enjoyed every minute.

 Today I will share a few pictures --mainly around the cabin at Mt. Nebo.  Hope you enjoy them.  Be sure to click on them for enlargements.

Shirt I bought George for his Birthday!!!  Appropriate,  don't you think?  ha

Our Little Cabin on the mountain in Arkansas

Cabin from the side;  See the smoke coming out of the chimney?

Back of the cabin ---the BEST part where we can sit and enjoy the view and watch the sunset

A great view from our cabin toward the valley below;  Our fog had lifted --but you can still see fog down in the valley... Neat, huh?

What a LIFE!!!  Early in the morning,  I enjoyed a roaring fire in the fireplace, a great cup of coffee,  and checking with my friends on Facebook and Blogger!!!

There are DEER all over this mountain --and they are almost tame.  They visited us several times that week.  Aren't they just gorgeous?

Gorgeous sunset we enjoyed from our cabin on 3/11

Two people having FUN at their cabin in Mt. Nebo
Well---that's enough for today!!!!  Many more pictures to come though!!!! ha.... Hope all of you had a good week.   I apologize for not visiting blogs very much --but will try to catch up some gradually.  HOWEVER,  now that we are home,  if the weather permits,  we will be out in our yard most of the week trying to clean up the mess left from our storms...  AND--- we both have doctor's appointments this week (postponed from earlier, due to the storms).  I will visit my knee surgeon on Tuesday --and give her the good news that I am HIKING again and feeling good... Then on Thursday,  both George and I have our yearly physicals...   SO---it will be a busy week... Welcome Home to US.  ha ha

Happy St. Patrick's Day to ALL the Irish out there.. Be sure to wear green so that you won't get pinched...  AND--eat some Shepherd's Pie tomorrow!!!!

Hugs to All,