Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, March 16, 2015

An Arkansas Birthday 3/9/15

George enjoying a Carrot Cake for his birthday
George and I celebrated his 73rd birthday last week by spending several days in one of our favorite places,  Mt. Nebo State Park,  Arkansas...  We go there every year in the winter --and absolutely love it on the mountain top overlooking the valley below.   We always get Cabin 60 because of the location --and during winter,  there aren't many people around;  AND we can enjoy a wood fire in the fireplace!  LOVE it...

Each year brings different weather and different experiences... This year was a year that we truly NEEDED a 'get-away' trip (after all of the winter storms here at home).  And luckily,  the weather while we were there was WARM --with no ice or snow or sleet.  We did have lots of clouds and fog --but we were NOT complaining one single bit... ha

Some of the things we did while there THIS year (besides just enjoying our cabin and the surroundings) were:  celebrate George's birthday (3/9),  visit Petit Jean State Park,  visit Mt. Magazine State Park,  visit the chapel at Garvin Woodland Gardens in Hot Springs,  visit Lake Catherine State Park,  and visit Lost Valley State Park.   As you can see,  it was a busy week --but we enjoyed every minute.

 Today I will share a few pictures --mainly around the cabin at Mt. Nebo.  Hope you enjoy them.  Be sure to click on them for enlargements.

Shirt I bought George for his Birthday!!!  Appropriate,  don't you think?  ha

Our Little Cabin on the mountain in Arkansas

Cabin from the side;  See the smoke coming out of the chimney?

Back of the cabin ---the BEST part where we can sit and enjoy the view and watch the sunset

A great view from our cabin toward the valley below;  Our fog had lifted --but you can still see fog down in the valley... Neat, huh?

What a LIFE!!!  Early in the morning,  I enjoyed a roaring fire in the fireplace, a great cup of coffee,  and checking with my friends on Facebook and Blogger!!!

There are DEER all over this mountain --and they are almost tame.  They visited us several times that week.  Aren't they just gorgeous?

Gorgeous sunset we enjoyed from our cabin on 3/11

Two people having FUN at their cabin in Mt. Nebo
Well---that's enough for today!!!!  Many more pictures to come though!!!! ha.... Hope all of you had a good week.   I apologize for not visiting blogs very much --but will try to catch up some gradually.  HOWEVER,  now that we are home,  if the weather permits,  we will be out in our yard most of the week trying to clean up the mess left from our storms...  AND--- we both have doctor's appointments this week (postponed from earlier, due to the storms).  I will visit my knee surgeon on Tuesday --and give her the good news that I am HIKING again and feeling good... Then on Thursday,  both George and I have our yearly physicals...   SO---it will be a busy week... Welcome Home to US.  ha ha

Happy St. Patrick's Day to ALL the Irish out there.. Be sure to wear green so that you won't get pinched...  AND--eat some Shepherd's Pie tomorrow!!!!

Hugs to All,


Betsy said...

That cabin is exactly what I picture as my dream home. Our house is too big for the two of us and I'm tired of cleaning it...but I would never tire of the view you had. No wonder you go back year after year. Don't work too hard on the cleanup. It will be waiting when you can do it.
The other Betsy

Twilight Man said...

All your photos are beautiful and I would love this sort of retirement to cuddle inside cabins!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

That looks like a beautiful spot for the cabin, views are wonderful and it looks se peaceful there. Love the Deer visiting you. cool! Have a good week and don 't kill yourselves.

Andrea said...

I wish to stay in that cabin too, the view is awesome specially the sunset. Oh how i love that. And of course i will be very happy also to have a shirt like that of George...Please relay to him my belated Birthday Wish. It's just late, at least not never!

Ms. A said...

I need a nice, quiet cabin like that. That's what we thought we would be doing when hubby retired. Life sure did manage to change those plans.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Wow, what a wonderful way and place to celebrate a birthday.

That cabin and the views are beautiful.

Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady

From the Kitchen said...

I, for one, love a foggy mountain day! I love that "rustic" photo of you--mountain cabin, roaring fire and--your laptop!! Sounds like a great birthday celebration.


linda m said...

I can see why you return there every year. Such a beautiful view. Glad you had a wonderful time and that you are back to hiking again.

George said...

It was a wonderful week at Mt. Nebo. You got some great pictures of the cabin.

Ann Thompson said...

a beautiful place to spend a week. I could get used to a place like that.
That shirt is the perfect gift for George

Linda Kay said...

Do your rent this cabin out? Just kidding. It's beautiful and in a gorgeous spot.

Marcia said...

I assume that cabin is available for others to book? LOL Looks like a fun place to go. Now as to the deer! You can have them. They have devoured bushes here this year and now that the snow is eluted they will be looking for any green shoots popping up to devour. Must get out there a spray to ward them off. Have plans for other deer out preventions this year. Stay tuned.

Marcia said...

Sorry that should read "melted" not "eluted". Should proof before I hit publish. :)

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Beautiful, Betsy! Thanks for letting me know more about the cabins. I hope to visit there soon.

Out on the prairie said...

I figured you had went somewhere. Nice vacation. I wanted to go somewhere but couldn't find anyone to join me and help drive.

Deb J. in Utah said...

What a lovely place to celebrate a birthday! Looks like you had a wonderful week. Good luck with the post-winter yard clean up. Always a big job. Have a good one and Happy St. Pat's Day!

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

picture perfect....
that cabin is cool...
lovely post :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love carrot cake ... yummy!! i love that you always go to the same location to enjoy. or at least it looks similar to one you have been to before??! i think. what a fun get away. love those shots ... the sun one bestest ... see i can make up my own words. ha. ha!! keep celebrating you and George. make it a great birthday for him... why not?? birthdays are meant to be celebrated for weeks ... fun fun fun!!

have a great week. ( :

The Furry Gnome said...

Betsy, so nice to share a taste of your holiday! Both that cabin itself and the view look spectacular!

Rambling Solo said...

Love the photos of the park in Arkansas. When I traveled across the south in my RV, Arkansas was my favorite discovery. Eureka Springs; Crystal Bridges art museum in Bentonville; Lake Dardanelle State Park, where I watched red-headed woodpeckers, Baltimore orioles, a scissor-tail flycatcher, and a mink; Hot Springs where I spent a no frills, traditional spa day in Buckstaff Bathhouse. You took me back to Arkansas with your photos. Thank you thank you.

LV said...

Your presentation makes me feel I was right there with you. Nicely done. I liked all the sights, but my favorite is the last one of you and George. How nice it would be if there were more couples like you. Your quotes are some of the best and so meaningful. Do not over do the yard work.

Small City Scenes said...

What a wonderful place to visit. that little cabin would be a great home in the woods. Such a view---Love it. Also a great way to celebrate George's birthday.
Happy St. Paddy's Day.

Sally Wessely said...

I always enjoy your trip to "your" cabin. It looks like such a wonderful spot to go every year for those getaways that are so dearly needed. The birthday boy sure did get treated special this year. He deserves it The best news is that you are hiking!

God bless you both. Hugs.

Shug said...

Beautiful place with such gorgeous views. I have to know.....Did you buy you one of those T-shirts too? LOL.
Surely you did. sun is shining here today...thank you Lord! Hugs to you both.

MTWaggin said...

I can see why you love that cabin so much! What a lovely place and just the right getaway after your surgery and all that winter you've had.

David said...

Betsy, That is a terrific looking cabin and the views are amazing! Looks like a great way to celebrate George's birthday. Hope it was a great one George! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Anonymous said...

What a delightful cabin! Looks as if the birthday boy had a great time.

Ruth Hiebert said...

That cabin looks like a perfect get-away spot.I'm so glad you had good weather so you could enjoy the outdoors as well. The fog lying in the valley is just gorgeous.

HappyK said...

Sure is a nice stone cabin and what a view!!

Chatty Crone said...

That cabin looked wonderful - wish I could go there someday. Loved it. And happy birthday to George.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Happy St. Patrick's Day tomorrow! Glad your knee has been good and you are hiking well. Sounds like both of you had a blast in Arkansas. I love the views you shared and also those lovely deer! have a tremendously nice coming week!

Carletta said...

I feel like I really 'know' that cabin.
I WANT George's t-shirt! Perfect!
Lovely sunset - would have been worth the whole trip in my book. :)
This Irish lassie wishes you a Happy St. Patrick's Day as well.

Arkansas Patti said...

First off,super news about the knee. With the type of life you and George enjoy you need good pins under you.
That is an adorable cabin and the view is amazing. Also, just love that shirt. Perfect for your camera bug hubby.
So glad my state was good to you.

Photo Cache said...

Happy belated birthday to George. What a lovely tradition to stay in the same cabin yearly. That cabin is lovely.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

That is such a beautiful area. Thanks for sharing your photos. Love seeing you laugh!

BB said...

I can see why you go back there every year. Problem is, I wouldn't want to leave. What a spectacular view. Great pictures and glad George had a good birthday. Loved the T-shirt too!

Connie said...

You have such gorgeous views from there, Betsy. I can see why you like to return there each year. Glad to hear your knee has healed so you can hike again. :)

Terri D said...

What an absolutely lovely place!! A wonderful place to celebrate a birthday!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

That cabin is so pretty! I think tshirt is perfect for him, like the way you read in the mornings, great you are staying out in this beautiful weather. Hope doc visits go well

carolina nana said...

Looks like you all had a wonderful time. That is a very beautiful place and I love that cabin and the view.

Beatriz said...

What a wondeful place to stay in a birthday! Taking pictures and resting around the fireplace.....is there anything better???
The landscape is something beautiful, reminds me some American movies I've ever seen. When I go to the US. I want to know places like this, beautiful and kind in its simplicity - rather in the mountains, but without any snow, he he!

Take care Betsy and havea nice week!

<°)))< Bia

Tanna said...

Happy, Happy Belated Birthday to George!!! This cabin looks like the perfect spot to celebrate a birthday and I LOVE the t-shirt you gave him!! Too cool! Petit Jean is one of my all time favorite spots to "run away from it all". I might need to add a visit to Mt. Nebo. blessings ~ tanna

Liene said...

I love the lodgings in State Parks - they are always so stately, with great views! And I feel so special when the park closes and you're allowed to stay! Can't wait to see all the other parks you visited through your pictures... Happy St. Patrick's!

Rose said...

Wow, Betsy....gorgeous, gorgeous views. I am sure it felt good to get away from all the leftover mess from the ice storm...and I done know you got good news at the dr. so that is wonderful.

Lux G. said...

Happy birthday to George. And can I just say you're living the life I wish to live when I reach my senior year? I do hope I'll find my George too.

Stay blessed! :)

Rose ~ from Oz said...

Betsy the cabin you go to every year is just so incredible, the views, the wildlife, the peace and serenity.
Love Georges tshirt (soooo apt :)
Gosh time flies, another George-birthday!
Loved all of the images! Oh! meant to say the header of your house is A-mazing!

Peaches McGinty said...

Happy Belated Birthday Wishes to George!! what a wonderful way to celebrate! the cabin is just beautiful, and the views.....what bliss! I love George's T-shirt from you, brilliant! and I always, always love a Betsy and George photo, you too encapsulate love. I hope your garden at your home isn't too badly damaged from the storms and I'm thrilled to hear your knee has recovered so well! x x x

Janie said...

Such a lovely mountain top cabin! No wonder you keep going back. Looks like you both had fun and celebrated George's birthday in style. Love that T-shirt. It's perfect.

Marie said...

That's a perfect t-shirt for George! That cabin is so pretty! Your mornings are perfect to me and so are your beautiful visitors. :) Glad you two had a nice getaway and celebration for George's birthday. :)
love & hugs,

Small Kucing said...

LOL.....good T-Shirt for George

Linda said...

Gorgeous views and cabin! Happy birthday to George -- love the shirt! Keep having fun!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That shirt is the bomb! He can wear it with pride :-)

Kay said...

Oh what a wonderful birthday! Happy Birthday George!!! I LOVE his t-shirt! You two are so adorable together.

A Colorful World said...

Happy Birthday, George! Love that T-shirt! :-) Loved the photo of the two of you laughing. Mt. Nebo is ALWAYS so beautiful! What a great place to go for a special day!