Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, March 19, 2015

EARLY EARLY Spring Flowers in our Yard 2015

Pretty Crocus Blooms in our yard;  (Taken on 3/15/15)
After such a harsh and devastating winter here,  we are pleased to share some of the FIRST Spring Flowers to bloom in our Yard.  We were not sure what we would see this year due to the Yard Damage.  BUT---many plants are hardy and can make it through a wicked winter...

Hope you enjoy seeing these flowers in our yard.  Hopefully,  this is the first of MANY posts showing our flowers in 2015...  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

My favorite Crocus Bloom in my yard;  (Taken on 3/16/15)

George took this little beauty,  another little Crocus in our yard;  (taken on 3/15/15)

George getting up close and personal with our first Daffodil of the season; (Taken on 3/16/15)

Here is a picture of our first daffodil of Spring,  2015;  I took this picture --so I am glad that George did NOT get a picture of me squatting --while trying to get a close picture... ha...  (Taken on 3/16/15)

This gorgeous yellow Pansy made it through the winter... I hope many more of ours will be blooming soon.  I love little Pansies.  (We plant them in the Fall --to give us a little color during winter.) (Taken on 3/16/15)

This was our first Hyacinth of the season.  I love the two pink colors of this little flower. (Taken on 3/17/15)
Well---that is our FIRST pictures of this year's spring... We have many many more flowers growing and budding --so seeing these first ones just makes me excited  knowing that there are many more to come..

Hope you are doing okay.  We have been BUSY in the yard this past week --and have made a HUGE dent in the clean-up work --after the storms...

Have a fantastic weekend.


Small Kucing said...

Yaya! Sprng is here again. I love the multi color of spring. Have a great day Betsy

Anonymous said...

Hurray for the endurance and beauty of early spring flowers.

Kay said...

I always loved seeing those first crocus and daffodils. I'm glad spring is here for you.

Ms. A said...

Considering the snow and ice you guys had, this HAS to be a pleasant change! They're lovely!

PS: I can't believe George can squat like that!

Unknown said...

Oh, I love those spring flowers and the crocus is my favourite at this time of year. They have some at the park in the city where I go for my lunch walks.

Fun60 said...

I am always in awe of nature. After all that terrible weather you have experienced, just a few weeks later up pops these gorgeous wonders.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Lovely to see your spring flowers especially after your very hard winter

Dorothy said...

Nice Spring flowers, Betsy! It seems like Spring just 'Sprung' overnight on March 15th!

Marcia said...

Only the crocus so far here. Daffs are sending up free shoots though.

Tanna said...

Hurray for the progress on the storm clean-up! And, oh, how beautiful are these blooms! Rewards for the hard work! blessings ~ tanna

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Very pretty blooms.

Happy Spring ~ FlowerLady

linda m said...

Thank you for sharing your first Spring flowers with us. I have seen a few signs of flowers trying to pop out of the ground. Hopefully it won't be long now.

Terri D said...

You have such a beautiful yard! Hard to believe your flowers are blooming, after that horrid ice storm and all the damage!! The Lord wakes up the earth in such lovely ways!

The Furry Gnome said...

So nice to see those first spring flowers. It's -15 and COLD here this morning, and I'm off to go snowshoeing!

Connie said...

Beautiful flowers, Betsy! I'm so glad to see the arrival of spring.

Out on the prairie said...

I added over 300 bulbs last fall. laughed when the crocus appeared where I forgot I had even planted some.I would like to try the fall crocus.

Jo said...

Oh Betsy, what a warming sight those new spring crocusses are. Glad you're over your harsh winter. Blessings. Jo

George said...

Seeing these little beauties makes the day much brighter. You got wonderful photos.

Betsy said...

Isn't it amazing how God works? Terrible weather just a couple of weeks ago and today you have gorgeous flowers popping up around you! Such beautiful flowers. I'm so happy they survived.

David said...

Betsy, I've always loved crocus and spring flowers in general just make me happy! Spring is a time of renewal and these harbingers of whats to come are alway welcome... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

MTWaggin said...

Wow so cool to see all the flowers you have ALREADY! Makes one feel just happy doesn't it!

Sylvia K said...

How wonderful to see these beautiful, colorful flowers after the horrendous winter you had!! Nature does indeed create miracles!! Terrific captures, Betsy, as always, and as always, thanks for sharing the beauty!! Have a great weekend!!

Small City Scenes said...

Spring has definitely arrived.
We've had some terrible winters and it seems almost everything will survive---even us! One year we even had snow in April---unheard of out here but the last few years have been very mild. Maybe Mother Nature had to get everything out of her system and you all just got in the way. LOL!!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Oh, so lovely to see, Betsy! I always love to see your spring flowers, but this year -- after you had such a harsh winter -- it's a sweeter sight than usual!

Rose said...

You are so blessed to have these already! I think it will be a while before we have anything, but at least I got to see your blooms!

Linda Kay said...

Love the beautiful spring colors, especially the yellow. We have lots of little green plants coming up through the mulch, so hope they will not meet up with a freeze.

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

All these flowers are really beautiful !
Nice post, Betsy :)

Arkansas Patti said...

Those first flowers are so special and let us know that renewal is starting all over again. All is well.
Cute seeing George sneaking up on the daffodil.

Nellie said...

No spring blooms have appeared in our yard as yet, though they have been spotted in other nearby locations. You give great care to your flowers and gardens, and it shows! xo Nellie

Ann Thompson said...

spring flowers are a welcome sight. These are all so pretty. My favorite spring flower is the hyacinth. I just love the smell of them

Kay said...

You and George always have the most beautiful flowers in your yard.

Ruth Hiebert said...

BEAUTIFUL!!!! Keep on sharing your flowers. It will be a while before we have flowers over here,but that is to be expected.I'm off work tomorrow and Sis and I are going shopping.Look out city!
Hugs to you,

Shug said...

Whew...I'm running late tonight...trying to catch up on post. The flowers are so pretty and I can just smell the hyicinths as I look at them. Hard to believe that you all are having such beautiful flowers after having that storm that came through just a few weeks ago. Glad they all survived...

HappyK said...

Pretty spring flowers. Looks like spring has arrived at your place. : )

Marie said...

the Crocus is so pretty, especially your favorite one! I just love that color! they almost don't look real! It did get pretty cold here and I didn't like the ice, but overall I do like the change of weather compared to Florida. I like the snow, it's so pretty! I have found that I really like sunshine and need it. :) I've gotten a little homesick...missing my family.
thanks for thinking of me.
hugs & love,

Latane Barton said...

You have some color in your yard... how exciting. We've not gotten there yet, Betsy, but I did see in passing a yard with some daffodils yesterday on my way to another town. So, soon.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

it poured rain all last night into today. so no snow thankfully ... so that is a great spring .. wish it was more happy spring 1st day though. ( :

i love crocus ... they are mighty flowers and always come up at the weirdest times. silly blooms but so amazing in colors and etc.

have a great weekend.

Janice K said...

Your early bloomers gives us all hope. It has really been pretty nice up here, but we had a dusting of snow this morning, but tomorrow we may get close to 60 degrees.

We a few things popping up, but no blossoms yet.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You have flowers?! We do not yet. I put mothballs around my tulips hoping that this year they will get to bloom before the deer eat them.

troutbirder said...

Love those brave early crocuses....:)

Our photos said...

Spring is finally here ! Happy happy happy !

LV said...

After all the bad weather you had, you are fortunate to have these pretty blooms. We do not have many as yet.

Karin said...

Lovely post of those harbingers of spring! Last night we had what you have on your header - slushy, yucky driving today. Still getting over my head cold, with a hacking cough. Just resting - bothering no one!

Mary said...

These are great and so welcome after this winter. We have never had such extreme cold and so much snow. I know it is not like living up north, but where we are it isn't suppose to be like living up north! Lucky you to have all those flowers already.

Gardener on Sherlock Street said...

I look just like George while taking photos in my garden. I'm sure the neighbors are always amused.

Carletta said...

Isn't it wonderful to finally see color! I have crocus this week too. Have a lovely weekend! HAPPY SPRING!

A Colorful World said...

SOOO beautiful, Betsy! Hope you two have a very happy spring!

Linda said...

Oh pretty! I saw a crocus today.

Beatriz said...

Wow, what a beautiful garden again!!!
There is further evidence that after the storm comes the "bonanza"!
Whem the flowers are cared with love, they can withstand strong to return with all its splendor in the spring...

Have a nice day Betsy!!!

<°))))< Bia

Anonymous said...

It is nice to see all your colorful flowers. They are very bright. They are smiling and welcoming the spring!!

Catherine said...

How wonderful to be enjoying some spring!! I hope you take a few extra sniffs for the rest of us! :)
xo Catherine

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness spring is coming to your yard - I love the first Daffodil - it is gorgeous - George was cute bending down and getting the picture. I am so ready for spring.