Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, March 23, 2015

Winter Storm Number SIX ---2/26/15

Evergreen Fingers  (3/26/15)
I know that EVERYONE (including me) is TIRED of WINTER...  BUT--since this is my journal,  I have a couple more posts to publish regarding our crazy winter this year.  SO--I apologize in advance....

We had 3 winter storms the week of Feb. 16---with the Ice Storm on the 21st was the worst one (causing lots of damage to our area).  BUT--after the 21st,  winter was not finished with us yet (and still may not be).  There were two more storms the next week.  Luckily,  the one on the 24th missed us.. BUT--we did get SNOW (not much ice, thank goodness)  on the 26th...

SO--today,  I'll share some pictures from that day for you... It wasn't much snow  but it was pretty since it covered up all of the damage from the storm on the 21st.   For a few hours,  WHITE covered the area and helped us forget most of the damage done around us...

Hope you enjoy the pictures (even if I'm showing snow and NOT Spring today)... Click on them for enlargements.

The Girl who LOVES Snow (and not ICE) was busy taking pictures.

This is the picture I was taking... This is one of our Redbud Trees with  a round flowerbed below.  See the Daffodil sticking up on the right????

Deer Tracks in the snow

I love seeing the way the snow was clinging to the trees.  Pretty,  huh?

Our huge Icicle on one side of the house  (caught in one of our windchimes);  The temperatures stayed below freezing for over a week --so each storm just added more and more to the ground/area... This icicle kept growing for a week and a half until the sun finally came out and began to melt it.  It finally fell to the ground --taking the windchime with it... (Luckily, nobody was underneath when it fell...)  NOTE:  You can also see one of our 'dangling branches' we had to get the professionals to cut down.  The branch looks like it was hitting the house --but it was not.

Snow on one of our Holly Bushes

Another picture showing another round flowerbed and the road flowerbed

REALITY.......  One of MANY dangling branches left from the Ice Storm on 2/21;  I marked the breakage with a star... We had to get these professionally taken down ---so----- that damaging ice storm cost us a big batch of money!!!!  But--we were luckier than some.

Our house the morning of 2/26;  I marked the tree shown in the previous photo with a star --so that you'll see why we had to get that branch taken down (and several others)! 
Well---that was our Snow on 2/26....  It was pretty until the melting started... Then --all of the sticks and junk from the storm appeared again!!!!  YUK.

BUT--the good news is that as of 3/22----we finally have our yard back to 'almost' normal!!!!!  AND Spring has come and we have flowers blooming... SO--all is GOOD here....

Thanks for making it through another winter post.... At least,  this one was prettier than the 2/21 Ice Storm photos.  Let's just hope we don't have anymore frigid weather this year... We 'usually' have a frost in early April ---so I'm holding my breath --hoping that we get spared this year..



Ms. A said...

I love your "pretty" snow, but still glad it wasn't me. I'm glad for the warm up, now if the rain would just give us a decent break so we could dry out a little bit.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Betsy it does looks very pretty and it is that nothing hit your home. Have a good week.

Fun60 said...

Those photos are very impressive. Glad you had the professionals in to do the dangerous work but most of all I'm thankful that I didn't have to deal with all that snow.

linda m said...

Your snow was much prettier than ours. All it takes around here is the snow plow to come thru and our snow is all dirty looking. Would you believe it is snowing outside right now?

George said...

I must admit that I enjoyed this snow storm much more than the ice storm! It really was a pretty snow and you got some wonderful pictures.

The Furry Gnome said...

Nice to have flowers blooming in spite of those storms! Here it is frigid again for a couple of days, -19C this morning, and still lots of hard crusty snow.

Arkansas Patti said...

Don't get too comfortable Betsy, we have a frost on the horizon. Glad you explained the star. I stared at it wondering till you told us you put it there.
Spring is almost here.

Ann Thompson said...

Your snow does look pretty. As much as I don't like snow I would rather have that than the ice.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, I am still trying to catch up with my blog reading and comments! Being away and using only wifi does not help! I am glad it is officially spring and now if only the weather would cooperate! Have a happy day!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, I am still trying to catch up with my blog reading and comments! Being away and using only wifi does not help! I am glad it is officially spring and now if only the weather would cooperate! Have a happy day!

Out on the prairie said...

Here in Iowa it can still come in April. I have been enjoying spring weather which makes us forget fast what snow is. It just dropped 4 inches on the NE IA/ WI area.

Dorothy said...

Pretty pictures, Betsy! I love snow, too, but I'm so ready for Spring!!!

Linda Kay said...

Betsy, and February still wasn't the end of it, right? You have really had the bad weather this year.

Linda P said...

Great photos, Betsy, but I'm glad that a month later your weather is improving! Have a lovely week!

Betsy said...

Very pretty photos but oh my, the damages caused by your winter was just terrible. Hoping for a frost-free spring for you.

Betsy said...

Very pretty photos but oh my, the damages caused by your winter was just terrible. Hoping for a frost-free spring for you.

Betsy said...

Very pretty photos but oh my, the damages caused by your winter was just terrible. Hoping for a frost-free spring for you.

Betsy said...

Very pretty photos but oh my, the damages caused by your winter was just terrible. Hoping for a frost-free spring for you.

Jim and Sandie said...

You have had so much winter this year. I sure hope it's done and over with for a few months now. Here in AZ we skipped Spring and went straight into summer. But better summer than winter for me.

Jo said...

Hi Betsy, there's an art to photographing snow and you do it so well. Great post although I can "feel" the cold through my notebook screen. Brr. Blessings. Jo

Sylvia K said...

You have had such an amazing winter and the snow is beautiful, but I hope it's finished for you for the season!! Wonderful captures and I have enjoyed them so much -- probably even more because it wasn't snowing here in Portland -- in fact we've had one of the mildest winters on record and an early spring as well!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thank goodness it is all behind us now! Did the icicle break the chimes? I love the way the snow looks on George's border stones.

David said...

Betsy, Unlike yourself, I don't like or miss the snow. I had way too much of it living in Chicago and raised in Michigan. It is pretty when it first falls... 67 or 68 degrees and sunny today although we could have a freeze overnight later this week. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Ruth Hiebert said...

This post was perfect one for me to read today. We have had snow again. Good news is that it is already starting to melt away.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, I am so glad you are enjoying better weather this week. Hope your Spring weather is good this year. I sure admire you both for your lovely yard! I hope the roses and lilies are fine after all that snow, cold and ice. Have a terrific week ahead and a nice day today!

Terri D said...

You certainly had your share of snow and ice this winter!! I love how you have documented it with such loving beauty, though!! Even the terrible ice looked like precious gems on everything it touched. On to a pretty spring!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

We were lucky this winter and didn't get anything much. BUT! I still remember a huge snow in April many years ago, so I won't celebrate just yet! lol! Hope your spring weather is here to stay. Our weather is supposed to turn rainy this week and cooler temps by the end of the week. Oh well, the rains are part of spring. Just as long as the tornadoes stay away!

Sweet Posy Dreams said...

I was in Tennessee during that last ice storm. Going home, I had to detour in Kentucky to avoid a bad stretch of I-24. And just when spring seems to have come, we woke up to snow this morning. About 3 inches fell this morning I think. Oh well, it won't last long. I bet you got your fill of snow this year!

HappyK said...

Like the title you've given the first picture. It really does look like fingers. : )

Liene said...

Happy spring to you also! Our daffodils have finished blooming but the flowering trees have really kicked it up a notch this year - I am so happy to be planning my garden and even building a few new beds this spring. Thanks for reminding me not to get ahead of myself and risk losing seedlings to a spring frost, and I wish you joy in rediscovering your garden as the last of winter releases its hold.

Marie said...

I enjoyed the snow too, but I am happy for the warmer weather. :) So glad you have blooms. :)

Shug said...

Can you believe that Winter has lasted so long? I thought last year was a hard Winter for my friends up North, but it sure seems like this past Winter has sure stayed around for a while. Glad to see that your flowers were not wasted and that you all will be able to enjoy a gorgeous Spring...

Stephanie said...

Oh my goodness, that is a lot of snow! Good thing it's pretty :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I love seeing the snow! It is still pretty even though I am tired of the cold! That limb was close to your house, glad you marked it for me....wasn't easy to see. Your green house looks good against the snow

Sally Wessely said...

A winter to remember, and one to forget!

Small Kucing said...

so many storms. Am so glad both of you came out okay. I like the look pf snow on trees but don;t think the storms are nice.

Small Kucing said...

so many storms. Am so glad both of you came out okay. I like the look pf snow on trees but don;t think the storms are nice.

Anonymous said...

It does look so pretty all covered in snow!

Big Dude said...

You better quit posting these winter pictures or Mother Nature may give you something more to post about :-)

Vanessa Morgan said...

Such beautiful photos, Betsy.

Rajiv Sankarapillai said...

Snow in all it's beauty...you have captured it beautifully !
Great photos Betsy :)

Roses and Lilacs said...

The snow and ice on the holly was my favorite photo. You're doing a good job of chronicling the storms.

Chatty Crone said...

Well I know spring is there but I loved your snow - not ice - cute! You have a lovely home there girlfriend. You are blessed.

diane b said...

You sure did have a batch of bad storms and freezing weather. bad news about the damage and mess in your yard. It must have been a lot of hard work to clean it up. We have had continual summer temperatures ,humidity and tropical rain and it is supposed to be cool Autumn.

Linda said...

Yesterday a large section of Skyline Drive was closed due to boulders that were in the road. Ice had broken them off the road cuts. So the Watch for Fallen Rocks signs are not kidding!

Susie Swanson said...

Oh Betsy, I've been keeping up with your storms and it seems ya'll had so much more to deal with. We were so blessed not to have that much ice and snow although it got down awfully cold. Now they're talking of more freezes coming in this weekend. I'm so tired of winter and praying it will settle down for good soon. Hugs and Love, xo

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Wow, those are some impressive icycles! Let's hope winter is truly done at this point.

Our photos said...

You have made some nice photos of this not so nice weather !

Connie said...

Beautiful photos, Betsy, but it sure looks cold. We had a little snow today and very cold tonight--just when I thought spring had finally arrived!

Kay said...

Good grief! My daughter in Chicago sent me a text photo of snow on her yard earlier this week too. I couldn't believe it. Winter just refuses to give up. I'm glad it didn't hurt your plants.

Kay said...

Oops! I see. These are older photos. I was wondering how your daffodils survived all that snow. I don't know how everything fared in Chicago though.