Hey Lady...You know me by now, don't you???? I'm Bucky Brown Thrasher---and I come to your feeders all of the time. I know that most of my 'kind' don't come to backyard feeders... BUT--me and my friend Bubba LOVE your suet. SO there!!!!! As long as you feed us, we'll COME!!!
Hmmmmm... What is this???? Water???? Looks kinda shallow... I'll bet that old woman put this here for those pecky little birds....
Well---maybe I can cool off on this hot afternoon... Think it will feel good?????? Oh My---what is a birdie to do???? I can't help myself!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh---that feels SO good on my tootsies.
Wonder if I can squat and feel that cool water on some other 'parts'???? Wish that old lady would quit looking at me.
Oh Myyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy---this is wonderful but why is it so darn shallow?
That feels a little better... But I can't cool off my 'upper' parts... DARN!!!!
Gee---this feels good enough to just stay here for awhile and just veg out... Did I mention that it's doggone hot outside today? Hey--don't laugh---even birdies get HOT...
Okay Lady.... since I can't get ALL of me wet, I will just leave and go to that bigger bath in the backyard. I still don't understand why she doesn't have a deeper bird bath right here on the deck... Darn her!!!!!! (Sigh!)
Hope you enjoyed watching Bucky thoroughly entertain me... It doesn't take much, you know!!!!! ha