Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Oh how I Love the Blue Ridge Parkway

If you ever want to take a beautiful drive in Summer (also in Spring and Fall),  there's just no place better than the Blue Ridge Parkway.  The parkway follows the tops of mountains from NC all the way to VA...  Then --if you want to go farther into northern VA,  take the Skyline Drive (which is a continuation of the Blue Ridge Parkway).  George and I have (at various times) been on the entire parkway including Skyline Drive.

For my birthday this year,  George took me out of this horrible heat we've been having here --and took me on a nice ride along the Blue Ridge Parkway in NC.  We started at Maggie Valley and drove to the Mt. Mitchell exit.

Today,  I 'll show you some photos of some of the magnificent beauty  we saw during those two days while driving along the parkway.  First of all,  the temperature was in the 70's --so we enjoyed riding with the windows down.   That cooler air was fabulous---and that glorious mountain smell just filled my heart and soul.

Just sit back and enjoy today's photos.  It was a sunny/cloudy day --so on days like this, I love to photograph the sky as much as the mountains!!!! Remember that you can enlarge the photos for some larger views...

Thanksgiving Dinner, anyone????

Break through those clouds,  Mr. Sun!!!

If you want more beauty than your heart can imagine,  visit the Blue Ridge Parkway!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed my photos.  We certainly had a fabulous trip. Sorry I didn't get to many of your posts yesterday.  Our internet was out for many hours!!!!  Grrrrr.....
