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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Garvan Woodland Gardens, Arkansas

The first day of our vacation was spent visiting Garvan Woodland Gardens near Hot Springs, AR.   One reason we waited until the end of March to make our annual trip to Arkansas was because we wanted to visit Garvan when the tulips were blooming.  WELL--we made it,  but glad we went when we did, since the tulips were almost at the end of their blooming period...

The last time we went to Garvan was March 9, 2009.  At that time,  the Daffodils,  Hyacinths, and Pansies were blooming.  This time,  the Tulips, Azaleas and Camellias were blooming. But overall,  the gardens were not as pretty as they were 2 years ago.  We didn't realize that Arkansas has been in a drought this year--and we could tell it.  BUT---the gardens are still pretty.  If you want to learn more about these beautiful gardens,  click HERE.   Hope you enjoy some of our pictures..

This shows just SOME of their rows and rows of Tulips.  They have a total of about 100,000 tulips during the 'tulip-blooming season'.  These were awesome,  and I also loved that beautiful red Azalea bush.

I loved this white Camellia blossom.  There were also red ones and pink ones --but somehow,  this white one captured my attention.

Someone will have to help me identify this gorgeous bush --with red leaves.  There were several around the gardens --and they were beautiful.

I love this photo of more of the Tulips.  We walked and walked around all of the paths taking a kagillion pictures!!!!!!  ha ha.... You just had to BE there to get the full effect!!!

Garvan Gardens is laid out with several waterfalls throughout the area.   You know how much George and I love WATERFALLS... We are certainly glad we got to see some on this particular day ---since we didn't see any the remainder of the week (due to the weather ---and the drought)... Speaking of the weather and drought,  I guess we should be happy for the people of Arkansas since they needed the rain they had while we were there.   We were glad to bring it to them... ha ha

I'll publish some more pictures from Garvan Gardens in another post...

Hope you have a wonderful day! I'm still enjoying the eagle births.. The 3rd eaglet finally hatched last night... Check HERE.