Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Another SNOW???????? In March??????

Well---most of you know that I am a southern gal who LOVES snow... Until this winter, we hadn't had much snow here since about 2006.. This year though---we have had 4 fairly large snows ---plus several more smaller ones. It has been a dreary, cold, sun-free winter here on the Cumberland Plateau. Our county school system is having to cancel its Spring Break week plus having to add days at the end of the year in order to make up days missed. They built in 11 snow-days into the original schedule--but have missed about 17 or 18 so far this winter. The teachers and students obviously haven't been to school very much since the beginning of January.

Anyhow---believe it or not, you are hearing ME say publicly that I'm TIRED of the snow now--and ready for some sunshine and warmer temperatures. My hubby will definitely write this down since he won't believe that I'm saying it!!!! ha...

Yesterday, we had a nice two-inch snow ---which was one of the prettier ones which clings to everything and is so pretty. SO--here are some pictures of hopefully our LAST snow of this winter (we hope). We drove around yesterday ---so our pictures are not only from our yard, but from around the Fairfield Glade area. Above is another picture of our Confederate Jasmin bush in our yard. I included it again --since I have featured it about 3-4 times this winter!!!! Below are more!

I love seeing the snow cling to the evergreens like this one did. Isn't it pretty?

Wanna play some GOLF??????? This is one of the cart paths!!!!

This bush with the red berries is in our neighbor's yard. I always enjoy seeing the white and red together!!!

This is one of the Glade's many lakes.

More evergreens along our road; Wish you could have been with us on our drive---seeing all of the snow-covered shrubs, trees and bushes. Very pretty!!

I always enjoy seeing the small rocky creeks --with snow surrounding the creek.

Finally, I saved my favorite picture 'til last... I took this picture in order to get the icicles--but after putting it on the computer, I loved seeing the different colored rocks --and the snow-covered branches also.

Okay---are you tired of snow????? ME TOO!!!! Let's hope for some SPRING SOON!!!
