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Monday, September 8, 2014

Favorite AUGUST Roses in our Yard ---2014

ABOUT FACE ROSE  (taken on 8/2/14 with the sun beaming down on it)
This year,  we have 61 different varieties of Hybrid Tea and Grandiflora ROSE BUSHES in our yard...  After today's post,  I will have shown you 49 of these varieties... I have been posting favorite Roses once a month since May.   If you missed any of these posts,  you can click  HERE to see any or all of them.  They are all listed on my right sidebar under my labels (listed under ROSES 2014).    {On that note,  I love it when Bloggers use LABELS.  That makes it so much easier to find more information on specific topics of interest on one's Blog.  Thanks to YOU who use this .}

Today,  I'll share 12 of my favorite Roses which bloomed in AUGUST...  PLUS---I'll add an extra one --which also happens to be a favorite of mine.  SO---sit back and enjoy these beauties... Wish I had a 'scratch and smell' on here for you --since most of our Roses have a fantastic fragrance.  Be sure to click on the photos for enlargements.

AROMATHERAPY ROSE  (taken on 8/28/14) ---I  love BUDS  and I know that some of you do also...  Maybe I'll do an entire post sometime using just BUDS.  Would you like that?

POPE JOHN PAUL II ROSE (taken on 8/30/14) 

CRESCENDO ROSE (taken on 8/10/14)

VELVET FRAGRANCE ROSE (taken on 8/25/14)

SUNDANCE ROSE  (taken on 8/28/14);  The sun is also beaming down on this one...I love early morning sunshine on the Roses.

PINK PROMISE ROSE (taken on 8/06/14);  IF I had to pick a favorite from this group  (besides my extra one listed at the end, Double Delight),  I would pick this Rose.  I love the light pink and white combination.   BUT--picking favorites are always hard since they are ALL gorgeous!

BELLA'ROMA  ROSE (taken on 8/22/14)

WILDFIRE ROSE  (taken on 8/06/14)

BEWITCHED ROSE (taken on 8/29/14)

TROPICANA ROSE (taken on 8/20/14)

PERFUME DELIGHT ROSE  (taken on 8/16/14)

DOUBLE DELIGHT ROSE  (taken on 8/06/14)
I chose Double Delight as my 'extra' for this post since I have loved this Rose for many years... I think that George and I both think that Double Delight is one of our all-time favorites.

Hope you enjoyed the AUGUST Roses today.  Do you have a favorite from this group?   Thanks to George for taking such good care of these beauties and for bringing one inside each day for me to enjoy.   I say this a lot--but I am truly a blessed woman.  Thanks,  Sweetie!!!!

Blog Friends Meet:  Sharon and Betsy
On another note,   I met another blog friend last Thursday (9/4/14).  This makes the 18th blog friend I have met in person.  This person is SHARON  and you should check out her wonderful blog by clicking HERE.   Sharon only lives about an hour from me,  but we had never met in person until now.  We met for lunch and then she came to my home where she got to see and smell our ROSES in person.  The visit was wonderful ---and I'm sure we will meet again soon.  Sharon and I have a lot in common,  one thing being our struggle with weight, and another being our love for hiking... SO--we obviously had much to discuss!!!!!  It was a great day --and again I say to YOU:  Take time to meet some of your blog friends in person.  You will feel as if you have known them all of your lives.