Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

It's All About LOVE

Today is HUG DAY.... So---hug someone you love!!!!!  Saturday is VALENTINE'S DAY....  What does that day mean to you?  Is it just another day?  Since George and I love to CELEBRATE anything and everything, even though our love is the most important thing to us each and EVERY day,  we still enjoy celebrating Valentine's Day...

I love to think of ALL of February a month of LOVE.   In fact,  I wish all people would celebrate LOVE every day all year long.  But--we can really emphasize this love (love for God,  love for self,  and love for others) during February.

For this Month of Love (including Valentine's Day) ---I give you this little box...  Read the poem below and you'll see what to do with your special box!!!

George and I will be celebrating ---so I may not get to your blog posts this weekend.  BUT---just know that my little box to you is filled with LOVE  for YOU.... Have a wonderful holiday weekend ---and take a few minutes to contact those you love and let them know what they mean to you!!!!! God Bless.

Please read my sidebar on the right if you haven't done so!!!!!
