Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, February 12, 2015

It's All About LOVE

Today is HUG DAY.... So---hug someone you love!!!!!  Saturday is VALENTINE'S DAY....  What does that day mean to you?  Is it just another day?  Since George and I love to CELEBRATE anything and everything, even though our love is the most important thing to us each and EVERY day,  we still enjoy celebrating Valentine's Day...

I love to think of ALL of February a month of LOVE.   In fact,  I wish all people would celebrate LOVE every day all year long.  But--we can really emphasize this love (love for God,  love for self,  and love for others) during February.

For this Month of Love (including Valentine's Day) ---I give you this little box...  Read the poem below and you'll see what to do with your special box!!!

George and I will be celebrating ---so I may not get to your blog posts this weekend.  BUT---just know that my little box to you is filled with LOVE  for YOU.... Have a wonderful holiday weekend ---and take a few minutes to contact those you love and let them know what they mean to you!!!!! God Bless.

Please read my sidebar on the right if you haven't done so!!!!!



Small Kucing said...

Hugs , Betsy :)

You are such a dear.

Have a great week :)

Ms. A said...


Ann said...

Thank you for the gift. That's awesome. Valentine's day was my dad's birthday so we used to celebrate that when he was still living. Now days we don't do much of anything for the day

eileeninmd said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you & George!

Enjoy your Thursday!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Dear Betsy ~ What a sweet gift for your blogging friends. May you feel the love from all of us coming back at you.

Have a lovely celebration of love with your dear George.

Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

That's a lovely idea of giving us this gift and the poem and I accept it with gratitude. I know you and George will have a wonderful time, no matter what you do on St Valentine's day.

diane b said...

Happy Valentines Day.

Arkansas Patti said...

What a sweet poem and gift. Didn't know today was hug day but it is apropos for I am having lunch with some dear friends so lots of hugs will make the rounds.
Know you and George will have a wonderful way to make the day special.
Hugs to you both.

Terri D said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you and George! I can't wait to hear about your weekend celebration! Your gift of love is accepted, with love from me to you in return!!

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice , thank you. I sent cards to all the grandkids and my kids, that is my tradition.

Latane Barton said...

Many hugs to you, sweet Betsy.

From the Kitchen said...

Thanks for your sweet gift of love! Sending you and George good wishes for a loving celebration!!


linda m said...

Thank you so much for the gift of Love. It is the best present a person could ever give and receive. Sending both you and George my love and thank you both for being my friend. Happy Valentines Day.

Linda Kay said...

Betsy, what a sweet side bar you have! I'm just guessing, but I'd say you and George are pretty fond of each other! Have a wonderful weekend celebrating.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i always wonder if that is what the world needs - LOVE? i wonder? there is so much hate and sadness. evil too. i know i might not always agree with the one speaking but i really do try to find the best in what they are saying. this might not even have to do with what you are talking about i am just saying in general. why or can't you find at least one good thing to say about any one. doesn't mean you have to agree totally. just sympathize or try to understand what they are speaking about. i find that is tough in blogging too ... why i don't blog as much any more either ... i don't fit in and it stinks. oh well ... i guess the world just doesn't get me. & that is cool. i am ok with it. but it would be nice to find a crowd who gets ya. understands ya. i have found ... this year really ... i am reading 2 new devotionals and i am reading how it is so important to stop comparing yourself to others, realize your uniqueness and love it. praise it. love it!! you are not might to be like any one else. & that is awesome!! a real but great perfectness!! something to love and cherish. we may all what similar things that each of us does have in our life but we have to remember that what we do have is perfect and unique to us. makes us extra special. i have run on and on. but i hope you get what i mean. any who ... thanks for sharing some love. i appreciate it. hope others do to. happy Heart day!! ( :

wait you say HUG DAY, didn't you? so happy HUGS!! big big hugs to you and George.

Big Dude said...

I know you guys will make it a special day.

Shug said...

Dear Betsy...you are awesome! I love this special little gift and I do cherish your sweet hugs and friendship.
I agree...February is definitely a special time for love.
Have a LOVEly day sweet friend.

Jim and Sandie said...

Lots of hugs all day long from our house to yours. I agree, everyday is love day at our house.

carolina nana said...

Hope you have fun celebrating, it is definitely going to be snuggling weather !!!

Sylvia K said...

There can never be too many hugs and the ones for today are special! A beautiful post as always, Betsy!! Wishing you and George a most wonderful Valentine's Day everyday!!

Betsy said...

I LOVE your blog Betsy. It is always so sweet and uplifting in a world that can be "not so much" like that. Your sidebar is absolutely wonderful. My Hubby and I don't celebrate Valentine's day very much, but as it's on a Saturday this year, at least we'll be able to spend it together without him at work. Have a lovely weekend my friend.
The "other" Betsy

Beth said...

My mom actually was given a little box with that poem attached. I kept it for years after she passed.
Happy Valentine's Day, Betsy! Hubby and I don't go all out for this day---we do stuff for each other all year long to show our love.♥b

Ginny Hartzler said...

We love you too, Betsy! And it is so good to see a post from you! The deep mid-winter has nothing else, so at least it has plenty of love! Your sidebar pics and quotes are lovely! The birds kissing in the air is really something else. But then, love IS in the AIR!

Rose said...

I hope you are having a good time, whatever you are doing, Betsy! I always love your cheerful outlook...Happy Valentines Day a day or two early!

David said...

Betsy and George, We hope ya'll have a terrific and loving Valentine's Day! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave and Laurie

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy, I agree. It's not the gift, it's the idea that someone loves you, is thinking about you, wants the very best for you. Happy V day to your and George.

Ruth Hiebert said...

THANKS for that special gift.I know I am loved by my family and friends,but you do know how empty Valentine's Day feels for me.I don't want to feel sorry for myself or have anyone pity me,but this is one of those days I just want to forget and have it pass as quickly as possible. Have a great time celebrating your love.That is SOOO important to do.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Have a fun Valentine weekend! Hugs to you, sweet lady!

Judy said...

It seems to me that we could be loving someone every day of the year.

Happy Valentine's Day to you!!


HappyK said...

Enjoy your celebration.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Love is a verb. :) I wish everyone was as in love as you and I are....just think how happy everyone would be.
Enjoy your weekend!!

LV said...

Amen! We all need a hug every day.However, the whole world needs more love. So much unrest and terrible things going on. How nice it would be to see nothing but good news. Tell George I am always pleased when he drops by. You two enjoy the weekend.

Nellie said...

Enjoy your celebrating, Betsy! Take care, and keep warm! Sending hugs your direction! Nellie

Chatty Crone said...

Sending you a hug today! And 2-15 is my daughter's birthday - a big month! lol

Liene said...

Thank you Betsy, for the beautiful sentiment! Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!

Linda said...

My goodness, you two are such lovebirds! Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

Awww - too sweet! Have a love-ly weekend.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
It's 'Kiss' day today, so I'm sending hugs and kisses! you are so lovely, the poem is beautiful and filled me with happiness and happy tears, thank you x x x

Lux G. said...

Virtual hug from me to you. :)

Unknown said...

What a lovely post, you are thoughtful!
Happy Valentine's Day to you too :)

Betty Manousos said...

happy valentine's day to you and george!

enjoy your weekend.

big hugs!! xoxo

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

I love you gift and hugs back to you.

Connie said...

Hugs to you, Betsy! I hope you enjoy your celebration.

troutbirder said...

Sweet month indeed! thanks...

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Love to you, too, Betsy!

Marie said...

You are the sweetest! Thank you! Hope you and George had a beautiful Valentine's Day!
love & hugs to you,

Kay said...

I love the idea of a hugs day. I'm sending you a belated cyber hug, Betsy along with lots of aloha.