Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, February 16, 2015

SNOW in the SMOKIES 2/12/15

SNOW on the Mountains of the SMOKIES --2/12/15
Hope ALL of you had a great VALENTINE's WEEKEND...  My theme this month is to share the LOVE --so whatever you did and wherever you went,  I hope there was A LOT of LOVE shared!!!!

George and I shared our LOVE by taking a short trip to the SMOKIES for a couple of days... As you can imagine,  we took PLENTY of pictures to show you... SO--today I'll share with you just one small piece of our trip...

Our weather for these two days was cold and snowy ---but where we were,  there wasn't much snow (even though I LOVED seeing even a small amount)...  HOWEVER,  on the tops of the mountains,  they had LOTS of snow that day (2/12).  In fact, there was so much snow,  the main road across the mountain (Highway 441) was closed...  SO--we took our pictures from below.

Some of these pictures were taken near the Sugarland Visitor Center and some on the Gatlinburg Bypass.  We love taking pictures from the Gatlinburg Bypass since there are two special overlooks (looking toward Mt. LeConte and other mountain ranges).  We have taken pictures during all seasons and at all times of the day --but this was the first time we have taken pictures of SNOW on the MOUNTAINS.

Hope you enjoy the pictures... Please click on them for enlargements..

I love the close-ups of the SNOW on the MOUNTAINS.

The SUN was peeking through!!!!  I love seeing all of the PINE TREES covered with SNOW.

SUNSHINE was beginning to take over, and win the Battle with the SNOW-CLOUDS.

Another one I love --with the sun peeking through;

I love seeing the shadows and layers in this shot.
WELL---I could show you about 100 more---but you get the idea of how gorgeous it was as we stopped there in the late afternoon of 2/12/15.

Do you have a favorite from this group?????  I had a hard time just choosing this particular set since the entire area was so beautiful to try to capture... This was another one of those,  "in the right place at the right time"  moments. I guess my fav is the top one and the 4th from the bottom (for a close-up)....  YOU?

Have a great week.  We are in the midst of some nasty weather here in Tennessee... We thought we were going to get some snow (would have been exciting for me)---but with that possibility also comes something very dangerous (ICE,  SLEET,  FREEZING RAIN).... GADS---nobody needs that... My husband doesn't like snow--but says he would rather have A LOT of SNOW rather than an ICE STORM.  AND--there are many other friends having terrible weather also.  Prayers for our area and for all others who are experiencing this nasty stuff and who have to be out in it.



Ms. A said...

Lovely snow images, but I still don't want any. I'm perfectly content to enjoy yours.

BTW, this post is not showing up on my dashboard, I saw it on Facebook.

Lux G. said...

I wish to find a love like yours and George. I've never have a Valentines get away. That sounds so romantic. :)

Linda P said...

Beautiful photos of the snow during your recent trip. I like the close-up one of the snow on the pine trees. It looks very cold! Sorry to hear that you're getting bad weather and I hope it soon passes. It's still very cold where we live, but thankfully no more snow at the moment.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, all the images are beautiful. The snow covered mountains are lovely.. I do not like the ice or snow, I am not a winter person.. I do enjoy seeing the photos though! Have a happy Monday!

Beatriz said...

Hi Betsy!
Here in Brazil, our Valentine's Day is only in June, snifff !
But I take my life with love every day of the year, like both of you, I think this way life becomes lighter, isn't it?!
I don't know North America yet, but I'd love to be close to such a beautiful mountain like this, with its green fields in summer and covered by snow in winter, so beautiful...

Have nice days ever!

Bia <°))))<

diane b said...

We had lovely day with our daughter in Sydney before flying home. The pics of the snowy smoky mountains are beautiful. There was snow on them when we were at the visitor centre too.

Big Dude said...

Great shots Betsy. Stay warm this week.

Ann said...

Beautiful shots. Such an awesome view. We've got plenty of snow here and I would gladly share some of it with you :)

Out on the prairie said...

I saw the bad weather headed for you yesterday. We are in extreme cold, but no snow as predicted. Wait I better go look outside. LOL

linda m said...

Those are some beautiful pictures. My favorite is the third from the bottom. I get to see snow every day; just not on any mountains. Your snow is much prettier than our snow. Stay safe and warm in the nasty, nasty weather.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Oh how I love those beautiful snow-capped Smoky Mountains :)

George said...

You got some great pictures of the snow on the mountains. I don't think I could pick a favorite if I tried, but the ones taken from the overlook on River Road are really beautiful.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

We are having some snow here - it is just starting but we are expecting some decent accumulation I think. Great shots of the snow!

Linda Kay said...

Betsy, we have driven through that area during the fall when all the trees are brilliant colors. It is breathtaking.

Chatty Crone said...

I love to see snow - but not here - you and George are wonderful Valentines!

From the Kitchen said...

That second photo made me gasp! Beautiful!!


Anonymous said...

Wow - majestic and magnificent!

MTWaggin said...

Awww a snowy frosting on those mountains. Knowing how much you love seeing the snow I'm super glad it put on a small show for you (and not the big dumps farther north)!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Beautiful! Smokies and snow are gorgeous. I cannot pick a fav since they are all beautiful. Hoping for no ice!!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I am glad you two had a few days away to celebrate your love and these shots are all marvellous. You want to know my favourite - number 1.

Betsy said...

Hi Betsy! My favorite is the 4th from the bottom where you can see the individual trees covered in snow. We're still having amazing warm weather here in the mountains of Washington. Crazy! I really like it but our grass is greening up and trees are beginning to bud and it's only February. We're bound to have some freezing weather and then the poor things will die out. I hope you and George can stay inside. I feel the same as he does. I don't like snow, but I'd rather have it than ice. I think we're going to arrive this weekend just in time for the next east coast storm. Yuck! Stay warm my friend.

Arkansas Patti said...

The close up of the snow on the mountains spoke to me. I am like you and love snow.
We just finished with that storm and while we got a lot of sleet, there was no ice and right now it is snowing big flakes. Hope you get the same.
Stay safe and warm.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, what beautiful, snowy images, Betsy!! I love them all and such wonderful skies/clouds/mountains!! I can imagine how much fun it was!
Thanks, as always, for sharing the beauty and the fun! I just came from Georges post and I love your new hairdo, too!! Have a great week!

David said...

Hi Betsy, My favorites were the 5th and last photos although the first one was right up there! Coming from Chicago, we don't miss the snow at all...although a fresh snowfall is very pretty. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Rohrerbot said...

Happy V-day!!!! Gorgeous photos and beautiful landscape. So glad you both were able to get out. We didn't have snow here but we did get to enjoy the wonderful AZ outdoors. Hugs out to you!

Connie Arnold said...

We have been there several times and found it quite beautiful. Thank you for sharing your great photos!

Rose said...

No way could I pick a favorite...they are all beautiful!

Small City Scenes said...

I like to see snow on the hills too. I like all your photos --so no favorite.

Jarka Panci said...

Betsy, beautiful, very beautiful fotos. The third photo I like a lot. People can pass the comb the mountains? I wish you a lot of beautiful trips. Jarka

Shug said...

Hi Betsy....Prayers for your part of the Country, as well as those that have a pile up of snow.
Each photo of snow is beautiful..I must say, that snow on the gorgeous pines creates some breathtaking views. Glad you all have a great time...cold weather and all...
Y'all be safe.

Helen said...

Beauty pictures as always, Betsy.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am always glad to see you back and posting, Betsy! How is your knee? These are wonderful, and I know you could not have been happier to see the snow! My favorites are the first one and the fourth from the bottom! That one is cool because I can see each individual snow covered tree!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i see you got ice. we have snow falling now. it is so pretty. i am happy to finally see a nice storm. i know it will make for bad travel for so many but it is great for pics. we did make a run to the grocery store and it was crazy busy. ( :

i love your snowy mtn pics. so fuzzy looking. i hope you have a great week. stay warm. tell George hi!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I have two favourites,if I must choose. The second one and the last one,but all are gorgeous. Stay warm and safe inside.

Nellie said...

The mountains are gorgeous when they are snow-covered! Yes, we have ice here today rather than the snow we had first expected. I think you have plenty of ice as well. I much prefer snow! Stay warm and safe! xo Nellie

Liene said...

We are holed up, with a watch and see attitude. There's a good layer of ice on the porch and no snow - we'll see what the night and morning brings. Stay safe and warm!

HappyK said...

Lovely beautiful photos.
Glad you and George enjoyed your Valentine's Day. : )

The Furry Gnome said...

Those are pretty hard to choose between! They're all so nice!

Carletta said...

The second one is my favorite is my favorite. I've always wanted to go in fall or winter. Still must do that. :)
It has been snowing here all day. We should have anywhere from 10-14 inches they say. We'll see.
Got what we need so it's turn on the fireplace and enjoy.

Tanna said...

Beautiful photos, Betsy! But, oh, my, it is so cold now!! Stay hunkered down and warm! blessings ~ tanna

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I enjoyed them all, but I think probably the first 2 are my favorites. I knew you two lovebirds were heading out on a trip! lol! Glad you got to see a bit of snow and had a good time. Stay safe and warm if that nasty weather moves in. We have some snow here but sunshine so far this morning.

Photo Cache said...

Sharing the love with your partner and enjoying the love God has for us by gifting us beautiful nature. Great trip.

Worth a Thousand Words

DeniseinVA said...

These are gorgeous photos! You and George had a wonderful Valentine's Day trip. Stay safe and warm :)

Linda said...

Spectacular photos! I can't pick just one.

We got 3 inches of fresh snow yesterday; not too much. Other parts of Virginia got more.

carolina nana said...

Hi Betsy
Hope your ice storm wasn't so bad. We got slammed with over an inch of ice but thankfully kept our electric all through it. Still tonight you cannot stand up around our yard the ice is still so thick and more coming tomorrow and later in the week. Guess we are making up for not having any winter weather so far this year.
Blessings and be careful out there.

Connie said...

Beautiful photos, Betsy! I like the last one the best. Sorry to hear you are having to deal with ice--that is the worst! I hope you are staying inside and staying safe and warm.

LV said...

You and George make some of the best photos ever. I am not a snow person, but you make it look so pretty. Trust you are feeling better. Love the photo of you and George on sidebar smooching.

Dorothy said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful snowy pictures, Betsy! I will never get to be there in the snow! I would dearly love to be there and see the mountains covered with snow!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy, Your photos are breathtaking. I agree with your husband. I remember the ice storms from when I lived in Alabama and Tennessee. Treacherous and so destructive to trees.

Janice K said...

How would you pick a favorite. I love seeing snow on the mountains. It almost looks like the mountains are wearing a white fur coat.

I thought of you recently when they said the snow was going south of us across southern Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. We just had some light snow but it was blowing so hard it caused whiteouts and quite a number of multiple car pileups. Now it is soooooo cold again.....but we are getting closer to SPRING.

Peaches McGinty said...

Hi Betsy!
I love your love theme! your photo's are beautiful, the snow on the Smokies is striking, the textures created by the snow on the pine trees adds so much depth and interest, oh how winter changes the landscape! my favourite is no.4! I hope you stay warm and the cold weather passes swiftly x x x

Neal said...

I absolutely love the mountain pictures with the snow on them.

Kay said...

I can see why you had a hard time choosing. They are all so beautiful! You had such a lovely day. We had a guest with us for Valentines Day so we didn't really do anything much. Ah well...