Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, September 2, 2019

Come to the Limberlost with Me

Put on your walking shoes and go with me into the Limberlost Forest!!
Dear Friends,   I invite you to go with me on an interesting hike in the woods on the LIMBERLOST TRAIL,   off of  Skyline Drive in Virginia  (8/7/19).   Even if you aren't much of a 'hiker' --you would enjoy this trail.  It is only 1.3 miles total,  in a mostly flat area --and the trail is in GREAT shape with benches all along the area for resting and/or reflection.

This trail is a little different from many of the trails along Skyline Drive --since it is just a short walk through the woods  (with no overlooks or views).   BUT--depending upon when you are there,  there are LOTS of things to see and experience--including wildlife (deer, bears, rabbits, etc.).

Years ago,  this area was known for its HUGE Hemlock Trees.  I grew up with Hemlocks in our yard,  so I've always had a special affection toward them.   Most of you know that many of the Hemlocks throughout our country have been killed over the past ten+ years by an accidentally imported insect (the Hemlock wooly adelgid).   Seeing the dead Hemlock trees is just SO sad for me.  

When we hike,  I enjoy doing some research in order to find out more about an area.  Here's some history about this trail/area.  Addie Pollack bought 100 of the large Hemlock trees in the area for $1000 to help preserve this land in 1920 from logging.  Her husband named it the Limberlost Forest after the novel,  "A Girl of the Limberlost".   The Pollocks were responsible for establishing Skyland as a resort destination nearby (which is where George and I stayed recently).

Today,   I'll share some of the things I observed while hiking this trail....  Hope you enjoy 'our' hike  today!!!!!

George waits patiently for me --while I stop and check out my surroundings.

There are beautiful (and large) ferns everywhere...

Deep into the forest we go... What can I see?

How 'bout a Centipede (OR some kind of insect)???

OR --this strange tree!!!!  I named him Mr. Knotty!!!!

George is waiting on me again!!!!!!! ha ha

Oh My---see the pretty little Wildflowers?

We did see a few larger Hemlocks along our way.

Here's a close-up of a Hemlock --in case you don't recognize them.

Something is enjoying this dead tree!!!!  (It's not a beaver though since there's no water nearby.)

Called the "Rock of Ages" --Such an interesting rock formation!!!
I did some research on this interesting group of rocks...They are called  Columnar Joints which formed many years ago as volcanic rock cooled and contracted,  and is thus a geological structure where sets of intersecting closely spaced fractures,  referred to as joints,  resulted in the formation of an array of columns... Column diameters can measure anywhere up to about 10 feet, and the length can be as much as 100 feet.  They are typically parallel and straight--but can be curved.  The number of sides of the individual columns can vary from 3-8,  with 6 sides being the most common.   If you want more information,   click HERE.

Here is a better picture of the "Rock of Ages";  Interesting, huh?

I love seeing all of the different mushrooms.

Maybe I'll just sit in the ferns for awhile!!!!

Or maybe I'll just enjoy seeing the deer showing no fear of our presence nearby..

HOPE:  A Baby Hemlock!!!
I'll end our little hike showing you that there is HOPE when it comes to nature..... Things do come back--even though it takes awhile.  I loved seeing the 'baby' Hemlocks!!!!!!!   Do you enjoy checking out all of the glories of nature when you are out walking or hiking????   I certainly do!

Hope you enjoyed our hike on the LIMBERLOST TRAIL today....

Happy Labor Day to ALL.
