Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Cumberland Gap, TN --Part II

Today, I continue my tour of Cumberland Gap, TN. George and I visited there last weekend --and we enjoyed our visit very much. Above, you will see a sign for a Bed and Breakfast. Note the name. Below are more pictures.

Did you read the name of the Bed and Breakfast???? It's called "The Olde Mill"---and there's a good reason for that... This used to be an old mill! See the wheel?????

This old log building caught my attention ---but I didn't realize what it was until we read the sign. The sign says that it was the Infantry Regimental Headquarters.

We passed by this old home --and the roof caught my attention. Interesting, don't you think????

Here's a picture of the entire home... Bet this was one of the nicest homes in Cumberland Gap at one time.. Neat, huh?

Well---I've seen lots of Covered Bridges in my life --but don't think I have ever seen a Covered RAILROAD Bridge..... Have you????? WELL----I looked up some information and found out that this used to be a railroad track.. BUT--when they took out the tracks, they added the covering --for bikers and walkers. Neat idea, don't you think????

I was surprised to see another baby Cardinal (very young --since he was shaking and could not feed himself YET) with his Daddy at our feeders this week. I didn't realize that the birds had babies this late in their breeding season. BUT--it's been a great year for Cardinals, since we have had several broods here this year. So far, this is the only baby I've seen this week. Isn't he a Cutie?

George and I went to Knoxville last night to see our grandson play in the band (he's a drummer) at their football game. That was SO much fun --as you can imagine. Today we will check on George's parents in Hendersonville, TN.

Hope you have a great weekend. I'll blog again on Monday.