Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

66 Diner ---on Route 66

On June 12,  on our way out west,  we spent the night at Albuquerque, New Mexico (took me about a month to learn to spell that city).... While we were there,  we wanted to visit the 'old town' area (another upcoming blog post),  and we wanted to drive a little on Route 66..  WELL---while driving on Route 66,  we were also looking for a neat little place to have some dinner... And we found it!!!!!!

We ate at the Route 66 Diner...What a neat little place .... There were so many memories in that little place ---of my life growing up in the 50's.  Today I'll just share some of what we enjoyed that evening --besides the delicious food....

Above is the outside of the little diner....  I remember those windows well ---since the old bus station in my home town in Virginia had windows just like that... Do you remember those kinds of windows????

Remember these things???  We had a 'hang-out' in my hometown when I was a teen,  called Carmines... I remember buying a chili bun and a coke for a QUARTER back then.  There were pinball machines in Carmines and also a juke box---similar to the one above.  We all loved that place!!!!

AND---do you remember the old-fashioned soda fountains???  We had one in our hometown --and my Daddy would take me there to buy me some ice cream when I was very young.  I  have loved ice cream to this day!!!!

We were lucky to have gotten to the 66 Diner as late as we did --since the crowds (and there were lots of people) had thinned out --just in time for us to take some pictures.

Remember that little gal??????   Remember the old gas pumps???? There's even an old bicycle hanging above Miss Betty.

There was so much memorabilia around that it was hard to take time to eat.... So many memories....

This really brought back memories to me.  My mother collected Green Stamps --and I remember sticking them in all of those little books for her.... I think she got some pretty nice items by saving these.... Remember this?

AND finally---did any of you ever own a Plymouth???  We never did --but I grew up and learned to drive on a 1950 Pontiac ... It was a straight-shift ---and I loved that car!!!!

Looks like this Plymouth had a "popeye"-----or maybe some say "perdiddle"....  Know what that means??????

As you can tell,  we had a great time in the 66 DINER in Albuquerque, New Mexico...  AND--the food was delicious... Their dessert special was Rhubarb Cobbler with ice cream.  WELL---I just "HAD" to have some of that since I haven't had rhubarb in many years... My mother used to make rhubarb often and I've always loved it.  The cobbler was FAN-TABULOUS!!!!!
Hope you enjoyed the 66 DINER....  There are so many neat places along old Route 66.  Hope you can check them out yourself sometime.
