Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oh those Gorgeous ELK

SO --this is my big surprise...  When we left Biltmore on Oct. 4,   we decided to drive to Cataloochie Valley to see the ELK.... (You know how much I loved that!!!!)  Since it was late afternoon,  we thought we'd see some ---and hopefully hear them BUGLE....  It is rutting season ---so we got lucky!!!!!!!   Not only did we see some elk --but we also heard them bugling...  That was SO awesome... Today,  I share some pictures with you from Cataloochie.  Be sure to enlarge them for larger shots.

This  looks like a fairly young one...  Looks like she is taking a nap!

Can you see the one on the right looking at me?????  Being at Cataloochie at sunset was neat... The sun was going down behind the mountains---causing shadows in some spots.

This male looks like he is getting ready to bugle!!!!!  I'm sure he's saying:  "I want me a woman... Anyone out there for me?????" ha..  I love the sun's rays in this photo.

The last time we were in Cataloochie (October of 2010),  we saw most all of the elk in one place.  This time,  they were spread out all over the valley..  This guy is looking at me also!!!!!!

All of the elk are tagged...  The people in charge keep track of them here in Cataloochie.   On the link I provide below,  they even have an update as to the ones who have died --and the new births this year.  Elk were brought into Cataloochie several years ago---and what a great home for them...

We saw quite a few males ---and they had some BIG racks!!!!!!

If you ever get to North Carolina this time of year,  check out the elk at Cataloochie.   BUT--either go early in the morning or late in the afternoon...   To read more about the elk in Cataloochie,  click HERE.    AND to see my photos from last year's trip to Cataloochie,  click HERE.  Besides this post,  there are six more posts.

This was the end of a marvelous trip ---both Biltmore and Cataloochie in the same day!!!!  Nothing but AWESOME!!!!
