Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

US at CHRISTMAS (2001-11)

I have had so much fun looking back through George's and my Christmas pictures we take with the tripod each year.  We take these pictures not only as memories --but to use in our Christmas cards or letters the following year...

Today I'll share one photo from each year (except 2002 and 2003--when I cannot find any) ---AND the 2012 ones won't be taken until Christmas this year... Hope you enjoy these pictures --through the years!!!!








You can tell how I have struggled with my weight (all of my adult life it seems)... This time (now that I am AT GOAL--for the first time since college),  I am determined NOT to gain the weight back... I have to work twice as hard on maintenance as I did on losing the weight!!!!!   For that reason,  even though I am not on a strict diet (doctor doesn't want me to lose anymore),  I am still keeping a daily food journal,  drinking between 70-100 oz of water/fluid daily,  walking for exercise, and eating very healthily....   Wish me luck with this process in 2013....

Have a tremendous day--and remember to keep the JOY in Christmas!!!
