Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

US at CHRISTMAS (2001-11)

I have had so much fun looking back through George's and my Christmas pictures we take with the tripod each year.  We take these pictures not only as memories --but to use in our Christmas cards or letters the following year...

Today I'll share one photo from each year (except 2002 and 2003--when I cannot find any) ---AND the 2012 ones won't be taken until Christmas this year... Hope you enjoy these pictures --through the years!!!!








You can tell how I have struggled with my weight (all of my adult life it seems)... This time (now that I am AT GOAL--for the first time since college),  I am determined NOT to gain the weight back... I have to work twice as hard on maintenance as I did on losing the weight!!!!!   For that reason,  even though I am not on a strict diet (doctor doesn't want me to lose anymore),  I am still keeping a daily food journal,  drinking between 70-100 oz of water/fluid daily,  walking for exercise, and eating very healthily....   Wish me luck with this process in 2013....

Have a tremendous day--and remember to keep the JOY in Christmas!!!
