When my three sons were young in the mid '60's and early '70's, they'd ask me over and over how many more days it was 'til Santa would be here. They would drive me crazy with that question. My sister-in-law Evelyn came to my rescue. She made us a gorgeous wall hanging consisting of a little calendar and tree (shown above).
We would put the wall hanging on our wall on December 1st. The tree started out bare except for the star on top, since all of the little ornaments were individually stored at the bottom, in the little individual pouches. On December 1st, the boys would put the ornament from the first pouch on the tree. And then---each day through December 24, the boys would add one more ornament. Once they added the last ornament, they knew that Santa was coming SOON. By this wonderful method, my sons knew how many days were left---so they didn't have to ask Mom over and over!!!! This was a wonderful December routine in our home for many years.
Well--it's been about 40 years ---and I still have that wall hanging. I'm careful with it--and because of that, it has lasted all of these years. It is one of my special Christmas momentoes. I still put it on my wall--even though there are no little ones around to move the ornaments to the tree these days.
In my pictures today, you'll note that all of the ornaments are already on the tree!!!!! Without little ones around, I just leave them on the tree all month. But--I do have great memories of watching my sons move those ornaments to the tree each day. Below are a few more pictures.
Here is a close-up of the little felt tree with its felt ornaments. Note that there are three red stockings on that tree---one for each of my sons.
Here's a close-up of the bottom of the wall hanging. Behind each number (date), there is a little pouch where the ornaments were stored (one in each pouch). Evelyn used snaps to get the ornaments to stay on the tree. (This was before the days of velcro. ha ha)
Here's one last picture of the wall hanging. Evelyn used burlap for the background fabric. Unfortunately, Evelyn is no longer with us (she died in 2007) ---but her handiwork is with me and I'll remember her for things like this FOREVER.
Have a great December---and remember what happens in only 23 days!!!!! YEAH!!!
P.S. We had a rare occurrence at our home yesterday morning. We woke up with what looked like snow on the ground and roof-tops. But--it wasn't snow... Can you guess what it was????? They called it FREEZING FOG. Unusual, huh????