Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018


Always my favorite group of Tulips in our Yard each year,  named  Purissima 
Hello  Blog Friends,    Since today is snowy and COLD here in Fairfield Glade  (as I write this on April 16),  I thought I would cheer myself up a bit and share some photos I took throughout the past few weeks in our yard,  of one of my favorite Spring flowers,  TULIPS....

We have trouble growing TULIPS here  since the Chipmunks and Squirrels  dig up the bulbs during the off-seasons and think they are 'nuts' planted just for them!!!   BUT---we still have a nice variety --so I hope you will enjoy seeing some of these little beauties today!

Same tulip as the one above ---but a different viewpoint

Same as the above Tulip --but from a different angle.

Love the colors in this one!

I love the way these are made--with points!!!!!

One of my favorite new Tulips this year;   Love the purple splashes!!!

A close up of the white/purple Tulip above!!!

A ROW of Tulips and Daffodils 
I will close showing you the combination row of alternating Daffodils and Tulips...  We found out that if we plant Tulips near/next to Daffodils,   the chipmunks and squirrels won't bother them...  There's something about Daffodils  which most wildlife do NOT like...   SO---hopefully,  if we are lucky,  this row will come back next year.   Tulips are Perennials ---and we shouldn't have to plant new ones every year....

Hope you enjoyed seeing one of my very favorite Spring flowers  today...   I love all of our flowers  --but the Tulips have always been a favorite --along with our Lilies (which don't bloom until May or June usually)..  However,  with our freezing weather this month --I am afraid that many of our young lilies have been or will be damaged by these freezes.... Today, for instance,  the temperature right now is only 32   (at 1:30 p.m.) ---and it is supposed to go down to 25 tonight...  This kind of freeze is NOT good for those newly growing Lilies....We'll just have to wait and see what happens since we have no control over Mother Nature...

Have an awesome week, my Friends...
