Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Around our Yard this past month

White Dogwood
George and I love to 'walk the yard' most every morning --taking pictures of new flowers/growth.  SO--I put together a group to share with you today.  These pictures were all taken on various days in our yard beginning on April 5 and concluding with May 4, 2014.  Hope you enjoy them!  Be sure to click on them for enlargements.

White Dogwood bloom;  (I made a huge deal in an earlier blog about our pretty Pink Dogwood --but hadn't shown off the white ones yet!)

Taken from the road--looking toward one of our redbuds and our big white dogwood  (See my Sweetie working hard???)

Here's a very pretty and interesting TULIP... Any idea what its name it????

PEPPERMINT STICK TULIP  (perfect name,  isn't it?)

Wild VIOLETS in our Yard  (We don't have many--but they are pretty though when they bloom.)

Another photo showing off our big REDBUD while it was in bloom;  You can also see Tulips and Daffodils in bloom then---AND George is starting to put his container Roses along the driveway.

Looking UP the street --showing off the beautiful White Dogwoods

Beautiful PHLOX in our big side rock bed!

FIRST CHERRY BLOSSOM TULIP  (I will have an entire blog post showing off our Tulips--like I did the Daffodils,  but haven't put it together yet.)

One of the 6 AZALEA bushes in our backyard

Another of our Backyard AZALEAS;  I love this color!

One of many HOSTAS in our yard;  I especially like this one --although I love them all.

Our first blooming IRIS this year,  named Honey Glaze;  I'm sure I'll have a blog post showing off all of our Irises --once they bloom. 

JUST the BEGINNING of our beautiful RHODODENDRON;  Once the blooms all open,  this one will be gorgeous --and I WILL share more photos!

These next four photos show our HOME during various dates this past month... Amazing all of the differences---and the best thing is that not everything blooms all at the same time,  so we can enjoy our flowers throughout Spring ---and Summer and even into Fall.

APRIL 5-- Only things blooming then were lots of Daffodils,  Crocuses, and Hyacinths

APRIL 10---Daffodils blooming --and Tulips beginning to bloom

APRIL 17 --Big Changes!!!  Redbuds (on right) and Pink Dogwood (left) blooming and a few leaves popping out on our big trees!!!!

MAY 3---LEAVES on BIG Trees--and lots of growth from our Roses;  Pansies and Irises blooming now!
Amazing,  isn't it??? Spring is just SO awesome!!!!  Now --while waiting on more Irises to bloom and more Azaleas and our Rhododendron,  we are also waiting on Lilies and Daylilies and of course,  our beautiful Roses!!!!!!   SO--I'm sure you'll get to see many more photos from our yard!

My surgery is OVER --and I did well... Had it by the laparoscopic method --so I was HOME by 2:00 pm  (after getting to the hospital at 6:15 am)....  I am sore (to be expected) and will take it easy for awhile---but things went well--so I'm not complaining.  Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

Have a FANTASTIC and BLESSED weekend.