Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 4th Fireworks

On Sunday night, Fairfield Glade had its own 4th of July Fireworks Display in celebration of our country's birthday. George did some research beforehand --and wanted to see what he could do taking pictures of the display with his new camera. He used his Canon Rebel T1i and used the 55/250 lens. He did not take his tripod though ---but says that next year he will definitely do that...

I think (and I'm not too prejudiced) that his pictures came out really great. SO--today, I'm showing you 7 of MY favorites... I will provide details for all of you photography people. In the picture above, the ISO was 800, the shudder speed was 1/50, the aperture was 6.3, and and the lens focal length was 208. Below are more!

These first two pictures were not cropped --but I did tweak all of the photos a little using Photoshop Elements. In the picture above, the ISO was 800, the shudder speed was 1/40, the aperture was 6.3, and and the lens focal length was 208.

In the picture above, the ISO was 800, the shudder speed was 1/25, the aperture was 5, and and the lens focal length was 55. This picture and the remaining ones have been cropped.

In the picture above, the ISO was 1600, the shudder speed was 1/8, the aperture was 5, and and the lens focal length was 60.

In the picture above, the ISO was 3200, the shudder speed was 1/50, the aperture was 5, and and the lens focal length was 55.

In the picture above, the ISO was 3200, the shudder speed was 1/50, the aperture was 5, and and the lens focal length was 55.

In this last picture, the ISO was 3200, the shudder speed was 1/50, the aperture was 5, and and the lens focal length was 55.

Whether you are a photography 'buff' or not, I hope you enjoyed these pictures... George and I had a wonderful weekend . We enjoyed brats on the grill, some 'tater' salad, and some of my 'fabulous' (ha) baked beans. We also enjoyed seeing some of the great Patriotic shows on TV (such as a Capitol Fourth, the Boston Pops, and our local Knoxville Fireworks display with the Knoxville Symphony). It was a great celebration!!!!

Now--it's back-to-the-ground (having to water our yard and flowers since we are desperate for rain here --with none in sight). It's also gotten hot again --so our AC is back ON, after being off for about a week. This is turning out to be one 'gosh-darn-hot' Summer!!!!! (I'm ready for Fall!!!! ha)


P.S. Blogger is having trouble with comments today.. I am getting your comments by email --so don't hesitate leaving a comment for me. Hopefully, Blogger will get it straightened out soon. (I have 31 comments as of 8:45 a.m. --so I am getting them even if my blog doesn't show it!!!!) Thanks!