Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Spring Irises in our Yard 2018

Electric Shock Irises---5-9-18
Happy Memorial Day, my Friends...  I hope you take a little time today to remember those who, through the years,  have died for us --and the freedoms we enjoy today....

Today,  I am finally publishing a post I promised a few weeks ago, showing you our 2018  IRISES which have bloomed in our yard this Spring... Most of our Irises are re-bloomers --so hopefully,  I'll be able to share more when they bloom again in the Fall.

 We have had 17 different varieties to bloom ---but today's post contains 19 photos...  I showed you a couple of our favorites twice.  Sit back,  enjoy a cup of your favorite beverage---and enjoy the photos!!!!!

My Friend Jonathan Iris--- 5/6/18

Unknown Iris (Freebie)-- 5/6/18

Eugenia King Iris--5/6/18

Las Vegas Iris--5/3/18

Honey Glazed Irises 5/3/18

Bountiful Harvest Irises  5/6/18

Lemon Duet Iris ---5/6/18

Autumn Bugler Iris --5/9/18

Iceland Irises---5/14/18

Feedback Iris ---5/9/18

Immortality Iris - 5/9/18

Lemon Reflection Irises --5/10/18

Clarence Iris ---5/11/18

Tennessee Vol Iris ---5/14/18

Another photo of Electric Shock Irises  (SO pretty this year)---5/14/18

Cable Car Irises ---5/14/18

Mother Earth Irises ---5/14/18

One more picture of Bountiful Harvest Iris --5/11/18
Hope you enjoyed seeing our Irises....   It's hard to pick a favorite ---but I do love Bountiful Harvest and Electric Shock right now!!!!!!

Have a wonderful Memorial Day!!!
