Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, May 28, 2018

Spring Irises in our Yard 2018

Electric Shock Irises---5-9-18
Happy Memorial Day, my Friends...  I hope you take a little time today to remember those who, through the years,  have died for us --and the freedoms we enjoy today....

Today,  I am finally publishing a post I promised a few weeks ago, showing you our 2018  IRISES which have bloomed in our yard this Spring... Most of our Irises are re-bloomers --so hopefully,  I'll be able to share more when they bloom again in the Fall.

 We have had 17 different varieties to bloom ---but today's post contains 19 photos...  I showed you a couple of our favorites twice.  Sit back,  enjoy a cup of your favorite beverage---and enjoy the photos!!!!!

My Friend Jonathan Iris--- 5/6/18

Unknown Iris (Freebie)-- 5/6/18

Eugenia King Iris--5/6/18

Las Vegas Iris--5/3/18

Honey Glazed Irises 5/3/18

Bountiful Harvest Irises  5/6/18

Lemon Duet Iris ---5/6/18

Autumn Bugler Iris --5/9/18

Iceland Irises---5/14/18

Feedback Iris ---5/9/18

Immortality Iris - 5/9/18

Lemon Reflection Irises --5/10/18

Clarence Iris ---5/11/18

Tennessee Vol Iris ---5/14/18

Another photo of Electric Shock Irises  (SO pretty this year)---5/14/18

Cable Car Irises ---5/14/18

Mother Earth Irises ---5/14/18

One more picture of Bountiful Harvest Iris --5/11/18
Hope you enjoyed seeing our Irises....   It's hard to pick a favorite ---but I do love Bountiful Harvest and Electric Shock right now!!!!!!

Have a wonderful Memorial Day!!!



Jeevan said...

I don’t come into the game of favourite, because each one brings delight to watch! Awesome treat to eyes… wow, so many varieties, colors and interesting connecting with names to each iris. I’m greatly attracted to iris only after seeing them in your blog. Loving these photos and flowers

Happy Memorial Day

Connie said...

They are beautiful, Betsy, and you have so many different varieties to enjoy. Ours aren't as far along as yours, but they should be blooming in the next few days. I hope you have a peaceful and relaxing Memorial Day.

Back Porch Writer said...

So awesome to have them all listed by name! All mine have come and gone. The heat sends them off. Enjoy! Hope your holiday is going well.

Marcia said...

They are all lovely.

George said...

Thanks for posing this beautiful review of the gorgeous irises we had in our yard this year!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow Wow Wow!!! One I haven't seen is Mother Earth! That one is so different and unusual! But my favorites are Bountiful Harvest, Feedback, and Cable Car. A fantastic post! So what have you two been up to this holiday weekend? I KNOW you have gone somewhere FUN.

Big Dude said...

It's hard to beat the color that irises can bring to your landscape

David said...

Betsy, Beautiful flowers bring cheer to this rainy and cloudy Memorial Day... Since my Dad was KIA just before the end of WWII, I always think about the meaning of the day and wonder what life would have been like if he lived. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Chatty Crone said...

I love them all.
Have a blessed Memorial Day. sandie♥

Arkansas Patti said...

Loved them all but freebie tugged at my heart. Our little town went on an Iris planting binge and the whole town bloomed a while back. It was quite lovely.

Janie said...

They are all beautiful, Betsy. I think Mother Earth Iris is my fav.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love them all,but Bountiful Harvest has to be my favorite. Thanks for sharing these lovely flowers.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

The Bountiful Harvest IS unusual and beautiful, but I love just about any Iris. I think they're all works of art. ;)

Happytrails said...

You have a wide array of beautiful Irises and I know they bring so much life and beauty to your yard. Thank you for sharing.

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, all the iris are lovely, but I especially liked the first one--Jonathan. That bronze color is so rich and vibrant. Peace.

BeachGypsy said...

Goodness gracious what GORGEOUS irises!! Love them all, but especially the big purple ones. I've always loved those. Love that Tennessee Vol one too of course! Iris is the State flower, isn't it? Hope you're feeling better and isn't spring just the greatest? I love it. Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers.

Sandi said...

Beautiful iris photos!

Lowcarb team member said...

Beautiful flowers and wonderful colours.

All the best Jan

Barb said...

Your home is like a botanic garden! I love seeing all the varieties of Iris.

Linda said...

Lovely! We have several varieties of iris. How do you keep the tall ones from falling over?

Kay said...

You have the most amazing collection of irises, Betsy!

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A Colorful World said...

They are all absolutely beautiful! I think about planting some or lilies maybe but I'd have to fence around so much area if I did...those pesky rabbits ate the lilies I put out last year! :-)

Starry Dawn said...

I just love your garden, your Iris, all your beautiful flowers, and your wonderful Blog, Betsy. Have a blessed day on Father's Day! Our Heavenly Father is watching over us. God may bless you all.