Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, May 30, 2018


Dear Blog Friends,   I am not sure what is going on with Blogger/Blogspot ---but  I have lost contact with most of you....  First of all,  I don't know about you,  but I use EMAIL as my main communication with Blogs..  I know that I'm an old woman --and that many people don't use email anymore like I still do...  I love it and it is convenient.   AND it is a great way to COMMUNICATE.

As of now,  I have the following issues/problems:
1.  I am getting NO BLOG POST EMAILS from any of the people I follow via email (about 30 of you)... (NOTE:  I am getting emails from Word Press friends, so this is a Blogger.com problem.)   When you publish a post,  I would get the announcement on my email.  I find that it is so easy to get your posts this way --and I can then click and visit those posts through my email....  Simple and convenient!!!   Now I feel as if I have lost TOTAL contact with many of you.

2. I am NOT getting your BLOG COMMENTS via email now either...  I can read the comments ONLY if I go to my blog post.   When I got them on my email ---I could easily respond to you especially if you asked a question.    I also have been keeping your blog comments in folders --so that I know who visits and who I need to visit...  This is just 'my' way of keeping up with friends... Now --this option seems to be gone.

3.  My posts are not automatically going on Google+  now like they are supposed to....   I don't use Google+ much --but do have some followers on there.    They can't get my posts IF the posts are not published on Google+.

I have been on Blogger HELP --and have presented my issues there.  Their answers have not helped at this time... I even had to go back into my settings and re-add my email, etc..  --but still no changes...  I'm not sure who else is having this problem.   I did find one other person who is having the same issues as I am..  BUT---that's it so far.

I know I haven't blogged as much as I used to (since I blogged every day for years)--but I still like to blog about once a week when possible.  AND--even when I couldn't comment on your posts,  it was easy for me to read them.    BUT--now that my communication possibilities have changed,  I truly don't know what to do...

It seems as if my only option is to add all of my email friends back on my Followers List --and then keep up with you through that list on my dashboard.   I do not keep my followers' list on my blog --and don't like doing it that way.  I also don't like Feedly and some of those options...  I felt as if I had the perfect system for me ---which is now GONE.  I am just disgusted that Blogger makes all of these changes without thinking about what it may do to us...  IF it is all about ways we communicate with each other,  why are they taking that away????    Maybe it's truly time for me to hang it all up!!!!!       (Maybe this is just an error from Blogger --and maybe they will fix it...  I'm HOPING!!!) Any suggestions or thoughts????

By the way,  I did publish a neat IRIS BLOG --which some of you had requested that I do... Nobody much as seen it yet... Check it out if you can!!!!   Thanks.

UPDATE:  Finally,  after writing this post,  I got a note from Blogger saying that they are 'tweaking' their email program --and it should be up and running sometime next week.... (We'll just have to wait and see what comes back!!!)



Sandi said...

I have heard other people complaining about the same email thing. I check comments on my blog page that has all the settings, etc. There is a section there for comments and they show up only there until I approve them.

Connie said...

I'm sorry you are having issues with Blogger, Betsy. I've heard of others who are also having trouble. I have been using Feedly for a while now, and it meets my needs when it comes to following and reading the posts of others. I also look for comments on my Blogger settings page to approve them as Sandi mentioned above. I hope you find a way to make things work for you again.

Jim and Sandie said...

I used to get the comments in my email but no more. Have to go to blogger to read them now. Have no idea how to fix it. So I'm trying to train myself to just check blogger a couple times a day. Let me know if you figure it out.

George said...

Hopefully Blogger will soon get this problem fixed!

Jo said...

Hi Betsy, I hope blogger is true to its word and fixes the problem within the week!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so sorry Betsy! I know this has to be so frustrating! I saw and commented on your iris post. I follow and comment on every one of your posts, except when I am in the hospital or recovering. But now there is a light at the end of the tunnel, maybe next week!!

Marcia said...

I just noticed yesterday that I didn't have any comment emails and thought I'd had no comments on my last blog. But that wasn't the case at all. I too checked my settings and it's still set for comments to come through my emails but again none have come today. Thanks for taking this up with Blogger. I hope they get it resolved.

Betsy said...

All of us on Blogger are having this issue my friend. I keep up with my friends blogs by having a list of them on my sidebar and just click on those. The email function has never worked for me. *sigh*

I hope it all gets resolved soon. By the way, I just published a post today in case you haven't seen it.


BLessings always,

Shug said...

I was afraid something like this was going to happen....I received a notice from blogger that they were changing things. I'm certainly not tech savvy, so hopefully the changes won't be too big of an adjustment. They know not to do this to older folks like me....Let me know if you find some answers...

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Most of the comments left on my blog still come to me in my email folder. There is one commenter whose comments only show up on my blog, and I thought that might have been because of a setting she had put in place. As for knowing when a blog I follow has been updated, I do that by way of a blog list. I tried Feedly and the email notification but found that I preferred using a blog list. I hope that Blogger is hearing you and will get the problem resolved. This stuff can be frustrating, for sure. But it has its rewards, too.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hi Betsy
Yes, we too are having problems ...
Over the years we've found that blogger often 'tweaks' its set up here and there... some things work ok while others don't.
In the end it usually comes good again, and we are hoping that will be the case again.
Having read your update, fingers crossed this may be so.

All the best Jan

Ann said...

I have used email to respond to comment for quite some time and I'm very annoyed that I no longer get them. I never liked responding on the blog because I figured most people don't go back to read them any way. I hope they do get it sorted out. It all started with the whole privacy law thing.

Barb said...

Hi Betsy, I always use the Reading List on the dashboard to alert me to blog posts. It's easy to add and delete from that list if bloggers stop posting or if my interests change. I don't use the follower's gadget. I do have an e-mail notification gadget set up for readers of my blog and don't know if it's working or not. For many months now, I've not allowed comments after a post, though I always welcome e-mails from readers. Hope your dilemma is solved soon!

Busy Bee Suz said...

I noticed it too and looked into it. It's an update and a 'cleaning out' that they are doing. From what I've read, you won't get email notices of comments anymore. :(

Susie Swanson said...

The same has happened to me with comments but I got a notice the other day to remove my Widget of Networked Blogs because they had done away with it. I'm also getting a message every time I go to my Dashboard saying they are making changes, Spring Cleaning they call it and I went into it and it said the best I understood is we won't be getting anymore Emails from the ones that's not on blogger. I hate it because like you I depended on my Emails to see when someone commented. To many changes to my liking and if I can figure out how to do it I'm thinking of going with Wordpress or Typepad. xo

Betsy said...

something must be going on behind the scenes we are not privy to. I have a few who have left comments and I wouldn't have known it if I hadn't checked my comment section and saw that they never came to my email like they always have. Something is going on. I have started leaving comments on two and out of the middle of nowhere it stopped and took me to the start of the post. Maybe it will work itself out. I will give it a day. Things have gone crazy before with blogger but didn't last long.

Arkansas Patti said...

Me to. I was quite upset when I quit getting email notification for comments as I use moderation to screen for spam. For a while there I was wondering why no one was commenting till I went to my dashboard and found a bunch that needed approval. What a bummer. I checked the blogger site and tons of people had the same complaint.
I am glad you have heard from Blogger and that they are working on it. I miss it terribly.

David said...

Betsy, Tech issues are rough on those of us who have slipped past 65 or so... I was using Picasa for my photos...and Google killed it! Now I'm working on processing my photos on Google photos. I've had issues, that's for sure. My biggest disaster was when my hard drive crashed and was somehow damaged. Lost a lot of photos and documents. Now I have everything backed up in the "Cloud". Fortunately I have a Computer guy that I can count on down here in the valley!

Good Luck and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Ruth Hiebert said...

I hope that blogger gets this all sorted out. I receive my blogs on Feedly and am quite happy with it.

Liene said...

I had not even noticed email notifications were down... Thanks for bringing it to my attention! Hope blogger gets it all sorted out sooner than later. Until then, hope you're staying dry, its been a wet couple of weeks, hasn't it?

Chatty Crone said...

I am having the same issue
Go to comments and after you post like the word Hello to yourself - before you hit publish - click "email follow up comments to and then it will have your address'. Click the box and the ones after you will be sent to you. Sandra told me that trick. However that is not a real answer - something is wrong.

Then on some blogs I can't comment on - i do comment and the comment doesn't post.

And the ones I do get - i don't get their email address - but I am lucky because i have been saving them as i lost them once before!

Dee said...

Betsy, I noticed you had a problem some time ago because I wanted to comment on your blog but it would not send the comment. When I looked at the top of the page where it came in my email it had this: noreply+feedproxy@goggle.com. It frustrated me so I just went back to viewing your blog on my Favorites saved addresses. I guess I like it better because I can see the beautiful heading you have and also access all the gorgeous pictures you have taken in the past. I meant to send you an email regarding the problem of commenting from an email sent to me but maybe I didn't get it sent. Anyway I really enjoyed the Irises and all their regal colors. I am a flower, beach, and creek/waterfalls person so I love all that you share.

Linda said...

Oh dear! Sorry to hear this. I have several ways that I keep up with blogs and there are only a few I follow via email. I often place my blog post on Google Plus so you can follow me there.

I know that my having an AOL address has been a problem because many blogs won't forward AOL (or Yahoo) comments. I tried changing it to a Comcast address but Blogspot is hard to change so it didn't work.

Fun60 said...

Lots of bloggers are having the same problem including myself. It is a Google problem so let's hope they sort it out sooner rather than later.

Wendy said...

There always seem to be issues with blogger.
Hope it gets sorted out, but I'm wondering if we should change to something else.
Glad you're on FB.

Love you header, if I didn't say it before.

Jeevan said...

Hope blogger stay on their words and wish the email system works for you. I follow blogs through bloglovin and few through email

Kay said...

I’ve been hearing everybody is having the same problem also. I have to go to my blog to see comments now since it doesn’t go to my email. It is aggravating... but it’s free. Sigh.

A Colorful World said...

I personally don't like getting the comments by email, but I wasn't aware that many people were having problems. I hate Google+ because it blocks people who don't have it from getting access to you and I have lost people that way. I have tried to delete Google+ and it won't let me! So I've been having issues now for about two years and I know I've lost contact with a lot of people during that time. There will come a day when I will be DONE with the internet but right now I enjoy blogging too much to let go! Hope you are doing well.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

Hi, Betsy. I just wanted to stop back and say that I AM having the problem now. The only way to know whether someone has commented is to go to my Comments page. Of course, the current post will show comments to that post; but, if someone comments on an older post, I'd never know it without looking at the comments page. I don't like it, but I can live with it.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Thanks for posting this. I thought it was only my issue. I have had brain fog lately....kept Grandson 2 weeks, went on vacation, now it’s 90 degrees....maybe that’s my problem lol

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Betsy, sweetheart,
I don't have any problem to read your blog post. It's clear & beautiful.
Now, I'm trying to leave a comment for you, and see if you get it...
I adore your blog. It's wonderful, not only your words, but also your photos.
I hope you solve your troubles with blogger. I don't blog the way I used to.
Anyway, I send my caring message on your way, sweetheart. God Bless!
Greetings from Starry.