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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another Son and Two More Grands

Most of you know my Texas son (Mark) and family now --but you may not know my youngest son. Jeff is a divorced father of two wonderful children. His whole life is those children---and I'm so proud of him for being the world's best Daddy!!!! He is in the Photography Imaging business, and is extremely creative.

My oldest son was born in 1963. I had a hard time getting pregnant, so my middle son wasn't born until 1970. After he was born, I thought I would have trouble getting pregnant again, so I was a little careless... Jeff was born 16 months after Mark, on May 14, 1971 . Even though I divorced their father, my sons were the best thing to come out of that marriage. All three of them are fabulous young men.

Here are some pictures of Jeff and his kids...AND there's a surprise picture at the bottom. Enjoy!!!!

This is Jeff when he was about Age 1. Isn't he a Cutie Pie????

This has always been one of my favorite pictures of my two younger sons. That's Jeff on the left and Mark on the right!!! Precious, aren't they????

This is Jeff and his special lady. She lives in North Carolina and he is in Chattanooga, TN ---so they don't get to see each other very often right now.

A proud Mom with her son; This picture was taken this past Christmas.

This picture is George and me with these two wonderful grandchildren. Both children are musical. Grandson (age 12 1/2) plays the drums and wants to go into Music in college. Granddaughter (age 10 1/2) loves to sing. She looks JUST like her Daddy.

This past November, George and I were privileged to attend Grandson's Bar Mitzvah. We all were SO proud of this young man. He is extremely smart--and did a wonderful job in the service. Little sister was proud of her brother also.

George and I are SO very very proud of this Grandson. It was the first Bar Mitzvah that I've ever attended ---and was I ever impressed. WOW!!!! This Grammy was just so pleased and proud of her Grandson.

Jeff loves to fish. He has shared this hobby with his children. This past weekend, they all went to Lake Chickamauga in Chattanooga to do some fishing... You can see from the picture above that Grandson caught a huge White Crappie... WOW---he's turning into a great fisherman!!!!

Granddaughter actually caught two fish (a Largemouth Bass and a smaller White Crappie)... Jeff said that it was a great day at the lake... I think so!!!!!!

And last, do you notice the difference in this picture and yesterday's bluebird egg picture??????? Yesterday there were TWO eggs in the nest--and today there are THREE... Bluebirds lay an egg a day--up to 5 or 6 total. Then Mama sits on the eggs for about 15 days. After they hatch --they will grow and won't leave the nest for another 18 or so days!!!!! I can't wait... Everyday is so exciting!!!! Happy Birding!!!!
