Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JANUARY . Hope you have an awesome and grateful month!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Meeting Blog Friends

One of the greatest joys on our recent trip out west was getting to meet BLOG friends for the first time... We met Becky (and hubby Mike) on June 10 at Jackson, TN at Logan's for lunch.  Then,  on June 12,  we met Vadarae (pronounced Vada Rae) at Cheddar's in Amarillo,  Texas for lunch.  AND--on June 24,  we met Linda (and hubby Terry) at Grand Junction, CO for lunch at the Golden Corral.

All of the gorgeous mountains,  canyons,  and even the snow don't EVER take the place of good friends in our lives... Seeing these wonderful folks was truly a JOY for George and me---and gave us some much needed breaks throughout the trip.

Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.  Above is a picture of Becky and Mike.  Becky's blog is Thoroughly Blended Hearts  and I encourage you to check it out --if you don't follow her already.  She takes incredible pictures...  Below are more pictures.

Here is another picture of Becky and me ---as we stood outside after our lunch.

On June 12,  as we went through Amarillo, Texas,   we met one of my wonderful email buddies,  Vadarae,  at Cheddar's for lunch.  Vadarae doesn't have a blog --although she visits mine regularly.  I am trying to talk her into starting one herself.  She is known as the Cotton Lady to those who know her through blogging.  We had a wonderful time together ---and it was hard to leave that day!!!!

Here's another picture of Vadarae and me  in the restaurant.

A nice man volunteered to take our picture together when we were outside the restaurant following lunch.

Then, on June 24,  as we traveled through Grand Junction, Colorado,  we met blog friend Linda and her hubby Terry for lunch.  Linda has a great blog,  Life on a Colorado Farm,  and I have learned so much about farming from her and Terry.  (I am known to ask a bunch of stupid questions to her --since I know nothing about farming... ha)   Check out her blog.  She gives the history of her area in western Colorado in addition to talking about the trials and tribulations of farming.

Here is a picture of Linda and me --standing outside the restaurant after our meal.   Linda, Vadarae and me not only are into blogging ---but the three of us have a fabulous email relationship.   I hope that the three of us can get together sometime for a Girls' Week....  I don't think that any of us would EVER stop talking!!!!! ha

George and I are so blessed to have so many friends --through blogging and email.  We have met quite a few ---and these special friendships are for LIFE I'm sure.   God Bless Becky, Mike, Vadarae,  Linda and Terry.... They are such special people to us...

Hope you get to meet Blog Friends sometime too... It is truly such a joy...  You 'really' know each other ahead of time ---but meeting in person just makes the bond even stronger.
