Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Around Our Yard---Early April, 2014

Our pretty round flowerbed... The Daffodils are so pretty this year,  and these Pansies are thriving... You can also see some Lilies beginning to pop up. (taken on 4/10/14)
I thought you might want to see some early spring photos in our yard...  We took these pictures on April 2, 5 and 10,  2014...  I love to compare spring from one year to the next --since each year brings new and interesting challenges...

We had a terribly cold (but not too snowy) winter this year... This was the coldest winter for many years here ---so we have some damage to some of our plants/flowers that we haven't had before.. All of our Holly Bushes have been damaged some and are losing some of their leaves.  The Azaleas don't look very healthy yet.  Hopefully,  all of these will come back.  George thought we had lost quite a few roses ---but most of them have begun to show some signs of life,  even though things are 'later' this year than usual.

We always plant Pansies in the Fall---and enjoy keeping them all winter since they are pretty hardy...  They usuually bloom for us until it gets very hot in July.  However,  when we have several days of temperatures below zero,  they do suffer.  We probably have lost at least half of what we planted,  but the ones that lived are doing GREAT right now!

So far,  this spring,  we've had some Crocus blooms,  some Hyacinths and lots of Daffodils. Our ground cover (Minor Vinca--called Periwinkle) is hardy ---so it is doing great and blooming now.  The Hostas seem to have made it and are beginning to grow.  AND--we have some fantastic Tulips (although the deer ate some of ours while we were in Virginia last week)...  George has now sprayed Liquid Fence --and that hopefully,  will keep them away from our yard for awhile...  BUT--we have to spray ALOT during the Spring and Summer...  There are MANY deer in our area.

Get yourself another cuppa and sit back and enjoy the photos.  Be sure to click on them for enlargements --although I hate it when Blogger doesn't include the explanations with each photo....  Thanks, Blogger.  NOT!  ha

This was the last of some of our pretty Hyacinths.  Those are the prettiest little flowers.  (taken on 4/2/14)

The beginnings of some of our Pink Phlox on the big rock bed.  There's a little blue Periwinkle mixed in with the Phlox.  Our Candy Tuft has not bloomed yet.  This is a hard bed to get things to grow--since it's sloped,  and water pours down that hill after a hard rain.  (taken on 4/2/14)

Our ground cover (Periwinkle)--which we have all over the yard in areas which are hard to mow.  We love this hardy little plant (which grows wild around here)---and once it is established and thick,  no weeding is needed... Love it! (taken on 4/2/14)

A close-up of the pretty little BLUE Periwinkle blooms  (taken on 4/2/14)

The side flowerbed (taken on 4/2/14)  where you can see Periwinkle,  Daffodils and Hyacinths;

Here is what we call the Small Rosebed (on the flagpole side of the driveway).  The Daffodils in front have just bloomed and bloomed.  Behind them are Hyacinths and more Daffodils.  To the right is our Daylily Bed.  AND---you can see the container roses on the driveway  (which have been in the garage all winter).  All but one are doing well---and ready to be placed on either side of the driveway.  (taken on 4/5/14)

Here's that same bed looking the other direction, toward the road.  You can get a better picture of our Daylilies to the left.  We love Daylilies ---and have 34 plants in that bed.  Even though we still don't have leaves on our big shade trees,  I love seeing how GREEN the GRASS is now. (taken on 4/10/14)

Here's the other Rose bed --on the other side of the driveway.  In here we have Tulips and Daffodils and some Pansies blooming now (since the Hyacinths are gone).  From here you can see the road flowerbed where nothing is blooming yet.  You can also see two of the round flowerbeds --which have Pansies and Daffodils blooming. (taken on 4/10/14)

The Pansies which made it through the winter are doing GREAT.... (taken on 4/10/14)

Dad Adams' Daffodils blooming beside the sidewalk in front of the garage; (taken on 4/10/14)

More of our groundcover,  Periwinkle (taken on 4/10/14)

Another photo showing the Daffodils blooming along the side flowerbed (looking toward the back of the house); (taken on 4/10/14)

One of my favorite plants just beginning to gow,  our HOSTA;  We have several plants around the yard ---and I love it (again,  if we can keep the deer away)...  (taken on 4/10/14)

Finally,  one more photo from the front of our house  (taken on 4/10/14)
Hope you enjoyed seeing our yard.  My apologies for giving so many details.  I keep these from year to year to compare one season with another.  This is 'my journal'.... Anyhow--even if you don't read everything,  I hope you will enjoy these photos.  We love our yard ---but it does take WORK...  These past few weeks,  we have been spreading mulch with weed killer in it --hoping that it will help during the hot summers...

Now---if you are a flower-lover,  you might be asking why I am not featuring more Daffodils and Tulips.... WELL--there's a method in my madness.  I have an entire post upcoming devoted to both of these beauties... SO--just wait!!!!! ha

Hope life is good for you.  AND I hope you have a fabulous Monday....  OH--by the way,  I keep meaning to say that I'm not neglecting my birds.  In fact,  there are 4 little blue eggs in the Bluebird Nest Box... SO---we'll have babies soon!!!!  Yeah.
