Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to OCTOBER. Hope you have an awesome month!

Monday, June 25, 2018


George and Betsy at Craggy Pinnacle,  6/23/18, on our Anniversary!!
Dear Friends,   George and I celebrated our 17th anniversary on Saturday by going to Asheville, North Carolina,  for a little romantic getaway...  We drove along the Blue Ridge Parkway to Craggy Gardens and back.  What a gorgeous day we had!!!!  

We are SELDOM on the parkway when it is as clear as a bell --but this was the day!!!!   No haze/no clouds/ no rain---but LOTS of puffy clouds which add to the beauty of photos.  The weather was a photographer's dream!!!!  

AND---it was cool up there...  The average temperature both days was about 70 degrees (enough to have the windows opened in the car--which I LOVE) --but when we were at the Craggy Pinnacle (elevation about 5500 feet),  the temperature got down to 65 degrees --with a cool breeze... AWESOME!!!!

Hope you enjoy my pictures from our special day...  Most of the pictures were taken on Saturday, the 23rd,  but a few of them were on the 24th.  Please click on the pictures for a larger version with more details...

A panorama taken at an overlook along the Blue Ridge Parkway

Some little wildflowers in bloom along the Blue Ridge Parkway

So much beauty all around!!!!

We loved the cloud formations as much as the mountains!!!

Us the next day (6/24/18) along the Blue Ridge Parkway heading south!  (You can see that we had another gorgeous day.)

Taken on 6/23/18 while we were at Craggy Gardens

The Rhododendrons were gone for the season,  but we saw LOTS of Mountain Laurel in bloom.

We enjoyed taking photos of the shadows in the mountain ranges --caused by the passing clouds!

George eating dinner the evening of 6/23/18
As many of you know,  George and I LOVE seafood.. Our favorite place to go is Dockside Restaurant in Calabash,  North Carolina.   This spring we didn't get to visit that area...  SO--we opted to visit another good seafood restaurant in Asheville  (Harbor Inn Restaurant)...   We both got the Combo-Platter with fried shrimp, flounder, clam cake, crab cake,  oysters, hush puppies,  baked potatoes and slaw....   We had enough food for an army --but the good news is that we brought a bunch of it home for more meals!!!!  YUM....

My Anniversary Gift from my Sweetheart
George took this picture last year in August  when we were at Skyland Resort in Virginia,  off of Skyline Drive...  The picture,  taken at SUNRISE,  was while we were at the Thorofare Mtn Overlook along Skyline Drive.   Isn't it just gorgeous?  It is now hanging in our office/computer room --where I can stare at it ---and remember that special birthday I had last year.

Thanks to my Honey for such an awesome ANNIVERSARY this year... I have more pictures to share from another day along the Blue Ridge Parkway --but that will have to be another post.

Thanks be to God for US and for God's awesome creation that we so enjoy!!!
All I could think about when sitting here on top of the world at the Craggy Pinnacle was "The Heavens  Declare the Glory of God".....  WOW!!!!
