Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Autumn at Lower Whitewater Falls, SC

We picked a PERFECT day to hike in South Carolina on November 9, 2006. There were still alot of Fall Colors (as you can see) in that area. We hiked about four miles to see this waterfall--and other than it being a little too warm for me (ha), we had a marvelous day.

Some of you may have heard of (Upper) Whitewater Falls in NORTH Carolina which cascades down the mountain in two drops for a total of 411 feet. (We've been there also. It is more popular of the two since it is easier to get to.) On this trip though, we visited Lower Whitewater Falls over the border in SOUTH Carolina. Lower Falls is NOT very close to the upper falls, but is on the same river. Lower Whitewater was hard to get to until 1991 when several private and public groups, including Duke Power in South Carolina, collaborated to build an overlook, which made the trek--and the view---even better.

We first drove to a place where we could see Lower Whitewater at a distance as it poured down the canyon into Lake Jocassee. It plummets more than 700 feet in just over .5 of a mile. After seeing it from a distance, we drove to the trailhead and took a wonderful hike. I hope you enjoy our pictures since we were there when the colors were fabulous!!!

Above is a picture of Lower Whitewater Falls taken from the overlook during our hike. This waterfall drops 200 feet --and then heads on down the mountain. Below are more great pictures!

From the parking area, BEFORE the hike, we could see Lower Whitewater Falls in the distance. See it near the top in the middle.

This was the view of Lower Whitewater Falls as we zoomed in. Can you believe that we hiked WAY back up into that beautiful gorge?????

This is Lake Jocassee. The Whitewater River flows down the mountain into this lake.

George stands at the parking area --where we enjoyed seeing the waterfall, lake and mountains around us.

Here's one more view of Lower Whitewater ---BEFORE we started our hike. Aren't the colors fabulous????

As we drove from the parking area to the trailhead, we followed Lake Jocassee along the road--and just HAD to get more pictures.

We had a gorgeous day and the Fall colors were tremendous.

Here we are on the trail.. Doesn't it look like a nice day (although warm for November) for hiking?????

We got the tripod out so that we could get a picture of the two of us at the overlook at Lower Whitewater Falls. We made the 2 miles here---and now it's 2 miles back. (But--it's nothing compared to hiking UP to Rainbow Falls. ha!)

More color along our path; I LOVE red trees---so just had to get this one!!!

Here's one last picture of Lower Whitewater Falls. They say that Fall is the best time to view this waterfall---and we certainly visited it at the perfect time, don't you think?

If you are ever in Oconee County in South Carolina, take time to visit this waterfall.