Summer Nights Roses --Taken on 6/27/20 |
Dear Family and Friends, I love ALL of our many flowers in the yard. However, the ROSES (which are by far the hardest to grow and keep healthy) are my all-time favorites....George works very hard on his 'babies' ---and I love to publish the results for all to enjoy!!
SO ---here are some little Sweethearts just for you!!!! AND --if you have time, revisit another Rose Blog I published on July 6. Click
Octoberfest --- 5/31/20 |
Perfume Factory ---6/3/20 |
Peace --6/14/20 |
Color Magic--- 6/26/20 |
Malibu ---6/27/20 |
Cabana ---6/30/20 |
Sweet Afton ---7/4/20 |
Crescendo ---7/13/20 |
Rio Samba --7/8/20 |
I certainly hope these little darlings made you SMILE... They always make me smile--and with everything going on these days, I'm sure that we ALL need to smile....
George and I both got good results from last week's tests... My mammogram did not show any changes. I told someone that 'that' is one area of my body where I've had no problems... Praise God for that. George also found out that the blurred vision he has been struggling with is a 'simple fix'.... His cataract surgery (from 2 years ago) caused a condition in which a protein film developed in both eyes causing his up-close vision to continue getting more and more blurry.
He had to have a simple procedure done called a YAG Laser Capsulotomy. Dr. Galloway said that it is like using a laser to 'clean the window' in his eye (just like we clean dirty windows at home)... ha.... George had one eye 'cleaned' this past week and will have the other one done this week. And the good news is that his vision is ALREADY much better.... So--another "Praise God"...
The doctor also said that this is 'common' with some cataract patients --even two years after that surgery... We had never heard of it!!!!!
The doctor visits continue the next couple of weeks. I go to my heart doctor this week and George goes to the retina doctor next week (for his Macular Degeneration) .... Between my heart problems and George's eye problems, we are a 'pair' for sure!!!!! BUT--we keep on plugging and pushing through it one day at a time and one step at a time... 'Tis Life for us OLD folks!!!!!!
Hope all of you have an awesome week... Find things that make you SMILE...