Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, July 6, 2020

ROSES in our Yard

Meet CRAZY LOVE -Taken 6/3/20

Dear Friends/Family,   Today I will share a few of our many Rose Varieties in the yard this year.  All of the pictures in this post were taken between 5/23/20 and 6/4/20.   This has been a good year for all of our flowers  (probably due to the rains and cool weather we've had).   The Roses have been putting on a show for us since late May.  Hope you enjoy seeing some of these little beauties!



Royal Welcome -6/3/20




APRIL in PARIS -5/31/20


I finished the photos today with "Show Your Stripes" --because I think it is appropriate for July.  I hope that all of you had a great July 4th weekend.   George and I both are VERY patriotic --and it hurts me to my soul when reading and hearing about our country's history being destroyed all around us.   As "older adults" --that history is something we cherish.   It is what it is ---HISTORY.   We my not agree with how things may have been done years ago--but that's why it is called History.. We learn from it--and move on,  making things better in the future for ALL.

UPDATE from last week's post:
Thanks so much to many of you (from Blogger and from Facebook) who took time to list your favorite pictures (from my "Battle in the Sky"  photos).    I posted 14 different pictures... I took 8 pictures using my Canon and 6 using my iPhone.  The iPhone pictures were No. 4, 5, 9, 12, 13, 14.   

Your favorite  by far was Number 9,  an iPhone picture.   In 2nd place was No 5 --also an iPhone picture.  AND in 3rd place was No. 10,  a picture taken with my Canon camera.   THEREFORE,  my iPhone 11 Max WON the battle of the cameras!!!!!  Poor Canon... I've had that camera for a long time and love it.  I still love its ZOOM ability much more than the iPhone.  BUT--I agree that the iPhone takes clearer pictures (at least using these comparisons).   

My Favorites:  #10 and #5;   I liked No. 9 also --but not as much as the other two.... It's all just a personal choice --and there are NO wrong answers.   I chose No. 5 as my Blog Header for July and No. 1  as my Facebook Header for July....   Thanks for participating in that blog post.   I had so much fun doing it and reading your answers/thoughts.   

Have an awesome week --and enjoy JULY!!!!  (June came and went too quickly!!!)



diane b said...

Always beautiful roses in your garden. I like Summer surprise best. Hope you had a nice 4th of July. So sorry to hear all the bad news coming from the US. Hope it all gets better soon. We have had a second wave of virus in Victoria where my grands live. In Queensland we have had zero cases for some time and life is getting back to normal but our border is closed to Victorians so no visits from the family.

Ann said...

These are all gorgeous. All American magic and show your stripes look a lot alike. I don't know how you tell them apart. I would have to say that both of those are my top picks in all of these. Amazing all the different colors in one rose.
I agree with you about our country's history. I don't understand the need to destroy and deface things.

susie @ persimmon moon cottage said...

Your roses are beautiful. Thanks for showing them to us. My roses have been blooming very well this year, but this week we will be starting our really hot weather, so they will bloom but the blooms only stay pretty for one day. You have such a nice variety of colors with your roses.

Marcia said...

Lovely roses. Do you know all their names by heart or do you have tags on each bush to help you remember?

eileeninmd said...

Hello, Betsy

Your roses are beautiful. I agree about our country's history, it is in the past, everyone need to think more of today and the future.
The iphone cameras take great photos. Take care, stay safe!
Enjoy your day, have a great new week!!

Arkansas Patti said...

Well as I scrolled down I kept getting a new favorite so I'll just have to say--all of the above.

George said...

You got some great pictures of the oses in our yard. I'm glad they are putting on a good show for you to capture.

Big Dude said...

Love your header shot and the roses are pretty as always.

David said...

Betsy, Lovely roses for sure! Tired of being self-isolated but not a lot of choice in the matter...especially at our age. As for the destruction of history, you know its out of control when someone destroys statues of folks who fought against slavery...not to mention our founding fathers. As the saying goes, "You can't fix stupit!" Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Ruth Hiebert said...

Oh my word!! You have to know that this post is so totally my style. I love me some roses, no I love them ALL. Each of these blooms is spectacular .Thanks for sharing them.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, your iPhone camera is better than a fancy camera!! My favorites are Crazy Love, Daring spirit, and All-American Spirit. I cannot choose just one! Your header is stunning!! The roses must take a lot of work.

Shug said...

So much beauty in every single rose. It would be very hard to choose a favorite. My choice of the sky picture is #9. So much captured in this particular photo. And...the stunning brightness right in the middle is beautiful.....Glad you have had so much beauty in your yard this year. I know it is pretty every year, but the coolness has really added a depth of color to them this year,

linda m said...

I do love all the pictures of your roses and would find it hard to pick a favorite, but I do like the multi-colored ones the best.

The Furry Gnome said...

Where do you find space for all the different ypes of flowers in your garden!? Wonderful roses.

Barb said...

I just can't pick a favorite. I always enjoy seeing your photos of what's in bloom. You and George stay well! I lOVE the Header.

Betsy said...

Hello Betsy, My favorite today is April in Paris but I love them all. So pretty.
I agree wholeheartedly about our history. When it's erased from history books and visual reminders we will be doomed to repeat it. It breaks my heart to the core.
I'm trying to get to everyone's blogs but with our house selling in 2 hours I'm meeting myself coming and going!

Lady Fi said...

What beautiful roses you have! Fun to read about the battle of the cameras...

Connie said...

Your roses are gorgeous, Betsy! So great to have so many different varieties.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Betsy
Your roses are just beautiful, so many gorgeous blooms and colours.
I do like your header photograph and it was interesting to read about the result of the battle of the cameras.
Wishing you a lovely weekend.

All the best Jan

Rose said...

These are just so beautiful...I bet they smell wonderful.