Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"New" Camera for ME????

Two days ago, I sat outside trying to learn to use George's good camera. His camera has a 48x zoom and my little point and shoot one only has a 5x zoom. That is not good when trying to get good bird pictures. George is teaching me how to use his ---and these are some of the pictures I took while sitting outside. If I can learn to use this fancy camera, George will be happy since he will get to buy himself a new one!!!! Here are some of the pictures I took with my 'new' camera!!!!! Above is a gorgeous female Cardinal. Below are three Pine Siskin pictures.

"Maybe if I hide in the corner of this bird feeder, that ole' woman won't see me."

"Oh, she is still watching me. Wait a minute, Lady... I need to wipe my mouth."

"Well---if she's gonna sit there and watch me eat, I'm just gonna leave."

Well---now that I'm learning to use the fancy-dancy camera, I hope to get even more bird pictures soon!!!! I betcha can't wait!!!!! ha ha
