Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Arkansas 'Critters'

While we were in Arkansas, we saw lots of Deer on the top of the mountain. They seemed almost 'tame'--for I am sure that many people stop and look at them and take their pictures all year long. They are a different color of brown than our Deer here in Fairfield Glade.

I also took birdseed with us this year ---and put it outside on the back patio each day. It took them a few days to find it ---but to my surprise, I saw a new bird (new to me). Can you guess what it was?????

And the third 'critter' we saw was when we were hiking at Lake Catherine. Hope you enjoy my photos. Above is one of the many pictures we took of the deer. Below are more.

The edge of the mountain is in the distance. The Deer are enjoying some shrubs and grass in someone's yard. Glad they aren't in my yard (here in Fairfield Glade).

I love this picture. That little Deer stood up and looked at me --and then he bent back down to eat some more. BUT---look at his eyes. He's STILL looking at me... Cute, huh?

This is our back yard/patio/ledge. There were big Blackbirds (crows???) all over the place --but they never came up to the ledge and patio to get the bird feed. I had to throw some out into the grass for them. We also saw some huge Turkey Vultures while out driving but didn't get any pictures.

This is my new bird!!!! He's a Dark-eyed Junco. I have heard others talk about this little guy so much--but had never seen one myself. I still have not seen any here on the plateau.

This was the day when there was so much ICE all over Mt. Nebo. Can you see the ice--as the Junco looks for the Sunflower seeds I put out there? It was a cold day on that mountain. AND--once one Junco came, we had LOTS and LOTS of them all day long. I was glad I took some seed for them.

I love this picture of the Junco on the patio. I was worried about those little birds all day since it looked as if their tails were icy.. They were constantly flipping their tails I'm sure to get rid of the ice build-up. Kinda scary for the birds ---I'm sure.

Our final 'critter' was a little Turtle we saw when we were hiking to Falls Creek Falls near Lake Catherine. This little guy didn't have a care in the world--as he sat on that rock enjoying the sunshine.

Have a great weekend..