Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Monday, May 4, 2015

2015 Tulips in our Yard (Part I)

Welcome to May!!!!!  Holy Cow--what happened to April??????  Today and again on Thursday,  I'm going to show you the 22 different Tulip varieties in our yard.  As I told my Facebook friends,  we do love Tulips --but they are extremely hard for us to grow here since, no matter when we plant them,  our gazillions of Chipmunks and Squirrels will dig them up---thinking that they are nuts!!!!  We've been planting human hair (which I get from my hairdresser) with the bulbs this year --so maybe that will help some since the critters don't like the human hair!  BUT---even after all of that,  we still have some beauties scattered around our yard this year...

Hope you enjoy seeing our Tulips ---and like I always ask,  do you have a favorite?  One of the ones  I love is the purple/white one (first one listed today taken on 4/3/15).  I also love the last one.  I tend to like the multi-colored ones, but they are all beautiful.

The Tulips shown today were in our front yard --most of which were in our big Rose Bed.  Sit back and enjoy ---and be sure to click on them for enlargements. 



4/6/15;  This beauty was in the small bed near our garage.



Looking straight down inside the Purple/Burgundy Tulip above;  4/8/15


4/8/15   (This group is in the upper side yard near our deck. They will be featured individually in Part II.)



4/12/15  (our LAST Tulip to bloom this year)

4/5/15  (another favorite of mine;  When you read Part II on Thursday,  compare this last tulip to the last one in Part II...  Similar but different!!!)
Hope you enjoyed seeing Part I of our Tulip Collection.  Do you have a favorite?  I'll out-of-pocket some this week--so I may not get to visit your posts yet.  Thanks for understanding.

Be sure to click HERE for a pretty picture on my Photo Blog. And don't forget my new quotes on my right sidebar!