Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, May 4, 2015

2015 Tulips in our Yard (Part I)

Welcome to May!!!!!  Holy Cow--what happened to April??????  Today and again on Thursday,  I'm going to show you the 22 different Tulip varieties in our yard.  As I told my Facebook friends,  we do love Tulips --but they are extremely hard for us to grow here since, no matter when we plant them,  our gazillions of Chipmunks and Squirrels will dig them up---thinking that they are nuts!!!!  We've been planting human hair (which I get from my hairdresser) with the bulbs this year --so maybe that will help some since the critters don't like the human hair!  BUT---even after all of that,  we still have some beauties scattered around our yard this year...

Hope you enjoy seeing our Tulips ---and like I always ask,  do you have a favorite?  One of the ones  I love is the purple/white one (first one listed today taken on 4/3/15).  I also love the last one.  I tend to like the multi-colored ones, but they are all beautiful.

The Tulips shown today were in our front yard --most of which were in our big Rose Bed.  Sit back and enjoy ---and be sure to click on them for enlargements. 



4/6/15;  This beauty was in the small bed near our garage.



Looking straight down inside the Purple/Burgundy Tulip above;  4/8/15


4/8/15   (This group is in the upper side yard near our deck. They will be featured individually in Part II.)



4/12/15  (our LAST Tulip to bloom this year)

4/5/15  (another favorite of mine;  When you read Part II on Thursday,  compare this last tulip to the last one in Part II...  Similar but different!!!)
Hope you enjoyed seeing Part I of our Tulip Collection.  Do you have a favorite?  I'll out-of-pocket some this week--so I may not get to visit your posts yet.  Thanks for understanding.

Be sure to click HERE for a pretty picture on my Photo Blog. And don't forget my new quotes on my right sidebar!