Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Monday, May 4, 2015

2015 Tulips in our Yard (Part I)

Welcome to May!!!!!  Holy Cow--what happened to April??????  Today and again on Thursday,  I'm going to show you the 22 different Tulip varieties in our yard.  As I told my Facebook friends,  we do love Tulips --but they are extremely hard for us to grow here since, no matter when we plant them,  our gazillions of Chipmunks and Squirrels will dig them up---thinking that they are nuts!!!!  We've been planting human hair (which I get from my hairdresser) with the bulbs this year --so maybe that will help some since the critters don't like the human hair!  BUT---even after all of that,  we still have some beauties scattered around our yard this year...

Hope you enjoy seeing our Tulips ---and like I always ask,  do you have a favorite?  One of the ones  I love is the purple/white one (first one listed today taken on 4/3/15).  I also love the last one.  I tend to like the multi-colored ones, but they are all beautiful.

The Tulips shown today were in our front yard --most of which were in our big Rose Bed.  Sit back and enjoy ---and be sure to click on them for enlargements. 



4/6/15;  This beauty was in the small bed near our garage.



Looking straight down inside the Purple/Burgundy Tulip above;  4/8/15


4/8/15   (This group is in the upper side yard near our deck. They will be featured individually in Part II.)



4/12/15  (our LAST Tulip to bloom this year)

4/5/15  (another favorite of mine;  When you read Part II on Thursday,  compare this last tulip to the last one in Part II...  Similar but different!!!)
Hope you enjoyed seeing Part I of our Tulip Collection.  Do you have a favorite?  I'll out-of-pocket some this week--so I may not get to visit your posts yet.  Thanks for understanding.

Be sure to click HERE for a pretty picture on my Photo Blog. And don't forget my new quotes on my right sidebar!


Ms. A said...

I'm drawn to the pinks and pinkish purples, but I like them all! And I LOVE the new header!!!

Lux G. said...

I didn't know there are these many variations. All pretty. :)

Ann said...

They are all so pretty I can't pick just one. I do love the ones with 2 colors though. How interesting planting the hair with the bulbs. First I've heard of that trick

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

These are all lovely, but my favorites of these are photos #3, 5 and 9.

Have a great week Betsy.


Out on the prairie said...

Lovely colors, I wish they lasted all season. Mine are starting to fade out, with only a few left. I like to mix shapes and colors a lot.

linda m said...

They are all so pretty, but the last one is my favorite.

Liene said...

Beautiful! I had never heard of hair helping repel squirrels - sounds like it would help us, as we've got the same problem!

Arkansas Patti said...

OK that last one got me too. Obviously you plant enough so that even with the raiding squirrels, you still get a lovely crop.

The Furry Gnome said...

You've got some wonderful tulips! I like the first one - I like pure deep bright colours! Lovely header for May too.

Terri D said...

Gorgeous. Nothing more need be said.

Linda Kay said...

Beautiful tulips, and I really prefer the variegated ones.

George said...

i don't really have a favorite tulip. I'm just happy the chipmunks left us some to enjoy.

Sylvia K said...

Such beautiful, colorful tulips and a perfect way to start my day!! Thanks, as always, Betsy for sharing the beauty!! Have a wonderful day!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I never heard of the human hair thing. It is both interesting and creepy! Maybe if you put out lots of nuts for them? They especially love peanuts. Can you tell whose side I'm on, ha ha ha... Yes, my favorites are numbers ten and eleven. Because they look like silk or velvet!

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful Tulips. I love them too.
We have planted over 300 the last few years. Springtime anticipation!!!

Shug said...

All of the tulips are absolutely gorgeous...but I think my favorite is the bright yellow. I tend to lean towards the color yellow! I know your yard is a stopper for all those that travel your way...
Enjoy the week...

Anonymous said...

Wow - simply gorgeous!

David said...

Betsy, I'm with you! That last tulip is my favorite...although of course, they are all pretty. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Betsy said...

I like the pink tulip with the leaf resting on it. It looks like it is thinking!!! Hmmmm. My imagination is working overtime. Lovely post. I've heard that about human hair. We use it in our gardens up here to fend off the deer.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy, you do have some beauties. The red and white one is a stand out. It's been a great year for tulips here. I'm very happy with the display. This fall I plan to search out lots of new bulbs to plant for next spring bloom.

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, You and your hubby have one of the nicest yards (just judging from your fine pictures of course) around the 'Glade. You should be very proud of your efforts in spite of those chipmunks. I like the yellow and red striped blooms best. Have a great day tomorrow!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I won't even try to pick a favourite,except to say,I love them all.

I Am Woody said...

Beautiful! Tulips remind me of my Mom. She had red tulips planted in our front yard when I was a kid :)

Joy said...

I love them all. I have to wait for my tulips to open:)

Nellie said...

I like the pink ones best! Hope all is well with you!

xo Nellie

A Colorful World said...

So, so beautiful, Betsy!

Linda P said...

Beautiful and we're very fond of tulips especially our younger daughter. I love the striped ones as they always have such pretty markings and each one is different. Enjoy your week!

Judy said...

They are all beautiful. I have another friend who was telling about the squirrels digging up their bulbs. I will be watching for the next installment.

Sally Wessely said...

Tulips always cheer the heart. Thanks for all this cheer. Hugs.

Chatty Crone said...

I really do LOVE tulips - I think the 4th photo down was my favorite. Hope you got your skin itch under control!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Oh, my, Betsy! I'm absolutely in awe of your talents as a gardener and as a photographer! Beautiful! Gorgeous!

Manzanita said...

I love it when the first tulips peep out of the soil. What a grand array you have. Did you plant all the flowers in your yard or have some been left by previous owners? I left my house vacant for a while and all my flowers died so I'm beginning from scratch again.

Big Dude said...

Really pretty Betsy

MTWaggin said...

You all had so much wet this winter your spring is going to be FANTASTIC! You do indeed have the most colorful yard ever and I loved the azaleas at Biltmore!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, gorgeous collection of tulips and images.. Your must have the prettiest yard in the neighborhood.. Have a happy day!

Connie said...

Gorgeous tulips, Betsy! They are so pretty. I wish they bloomed longer into the summer. :)

Rose said...

They are so beautiful!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Awesome collection.
love your header.

Kay said...

Wow! I am so amazed at all the different varieties you have. If you can't get to Skagit Valley, people should just go to your house.

Annesphamily said...

I'm going to have to call you the "Flower Girl"! Very lovely photos.