Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Thursday, April 30, 2015

A Heavenly Experience 4/22/15

The title says it all...  George and I have season tickets to Biltmore House and Gardens,  Asheville,  North Carolina.  We try to visit there during all seasons.   You know about the last time we were there on 3/23/15 --since I shared the gorgeous orchids in a recent post.  If you missed that post,  click HERE.   We also saw the Daffodils on that 3/23 visit.

BUT--we should have gone back about 4/8 or 9 to see the Tulips there.. We didn't get there ---but did go on 4/22 to see the Azaleas....  Next year,  maybe we'll go all three times and see the Daffodils,  the Tulips and the Azaleas...  What a wonderful place... We feel blessed to have season tickets --so that we can choose when we visit.

THIS blog post is about our visit on 4/22...  We walked and walked and walked all over the grounds at Biltmore ---and I truly felt as if I had died and was in HEAVEN.  This was the prettiest we have EVER seen the Azaleas.  We got there at the perfect time...

SO---today I'll share quite a few pictures  (thank goodness I am not sharing all 160+ pictures I took)---and I'll do it with few words... Just grab another cuppa,  sit back and relax and I hope you will enjoy the gorgeous colors of the AZALEAS at Biltmore, 2015.  (Click on the photos for enlargements.)

Okay---that's enough for today!!!!!  I love flowers ---and remember one other time I felt like I did on this day at Biltmore.  Several years ago,  we visited Garvin Gardens in Hot Springs,  Arkansas at the perfect time to see tons and tons of Tulips blooming... I felt like I was in heaven then also.  BUT---this latest trip to Biltmore had to have been a highlight which we will keep in our memories for years to come.

Hope you enjoyed seeing the Azaleas....



eileeninmd said...

Hello Betsy, the azaleas are lovely. So many pretty colors.. Great photos.. Enjoy your day!

Ms. A said...

Everything looks absolutely gorgeous! Heavenly indeed!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

WOW, WOW, WOW!!!! These gardens are just a glimpse of what heaven will be like. It will be even more wonderful and beautiful than we can imagine.

Thank you for sharing all of this beauty.


Out on the prairie said...

Very nice, the colors are magnificent. The size of all the shrubs is amazing. a neighbor has a huge azalea , a chance placement that allowed it to grow so big near a shed.

linda m said...

Wow!!!! I think I died and went to heaven. Can't remember the last time I saw so much beauty all in one place. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Margie's Musings said...

What beautiful gardens, Betsy!

Linda P said...

Biltmore must be a beautiful place at any season, but I know from visiting our own public gardens when the azaleas are at their best that the colourful displays are amazing as can be seen in your post.

Joy said...

I felt I was in heaven too! So fantastic!

Anonymous said...

An explosion of spring beauty!

George said...

The azaleas were beautiful and the day was perfect. A 'heavenly experience' sums up the day perfectly.

Linda Kay said...

Lovely photos, Betsy. So colorful.

Sylvia K said...

Gorgeous, colorful flowers and wonderful captures for the day, Betsy, as always!! And thanks, as always for sharing the beauty with us!! Have a great weekend!!

Judy said...

All I can say is "Wow". I wish I could be there because I know pictures never capture the real beauty that we see.

Betsy said...

Beautiful, beautiful. I can't imagine all of that beauty in one place. How blessed you are to have it close by and can share it with George. You taking the time to share it with those of us that live far away is so wonderful. Thank you Betsy.

LV said...

If there is a heaven on earth, it would definitely be this place. Was there once, but it was not like this. So, so much beauty. Glad you let me enjoy it through your lens. Wonderful job on your photos.

FAB said...

A sumptuous array of colour.

DeniseinVA said...

A wonderful post Betsy, it really looks gorgeous. I want to visit here so badly.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It is such a treat to see so many colors and types of mature azaleas like these, Betsy! Was a delight! I'm glad you and George have season passes and can visit different seasons to capture this beauty with your camera lens!

David said...

Betsy, Beautiful flowers in a beautiful place, that's for sure! We're just happy that our single azalea bush is blooming again this year... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful shots, Betsy. I do like the Orange Molis azalea. Smells so good. Thanks for the tour.
Truly Heavenly! MB

Bob has 20+ acres

Terri D said...

Brilliant photography, always. The colors are amazing and you two are so darn cute!! Thanks for sharing!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Gosh! You are so right. These flowers and your photographs are heavenly. I would not have know which ones to photograph. I think I might have shots hundreds!!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Awesome blooms! I can't even imagine seeing all that color in one spot. Have a super weekend, you two!

Ruth Hiebert said...

WOW!!! Every color of the rainbow and each one is so beautiful. You only took 160 pictures?Really? I'm kidding,but I know you had a SUPER time as I would have.Thanks for sharing these beauties.

Amy said...

gorgeous flowers! although it's autumn here for us it's nice to see my spring tulips flowering in their pots on my deck outside. have a great day :-)

Arkansas Patti said...

Wow, that place is almost sensory overload. Amazingly brilliant colors. Great timing. You do get your money's worth with your season pass.

Ann Thompson said...

Wow, those are so pretty. What a beautiful time to visit.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh! They are stunning! I have never seen azaleas so beautiful!! And you and George are looking SO good! I need to find out how long of a drive Biltmore is.

Our photos said...

Wow, all these wonderful colors ! Very nice !

Elizabeth Edwards said...

wow, i know those bushes ... they sure were gorgeous. you are quick on sharing with us. i am slow ... i will soon enough. i love your flag shirts. i never know how to ask or say this ... have you lost weight? you look great. maybe you are just happy in love? love your shots. really enjoyed them. have a happy Thursday. ( :

Chatty Crone said...

Hello - I love azaleas and they were all gorgeous. You sure did go at the right time. Read on another blog you had a rash from the weeds - hope you are feeling better!

Nellie said...

We have only been to Biltmore at Christmas time - just once. The gardens are gorgeous! No wonder you love visiting there so much. xo Nellie

Mary said...

Wow...gorgeous flowers!

The Furry Gnome said...

That is heavenly! We've never had the pleasure of seeing Azaleas in bloom like that.

Liene said...

I love the Biltmore Estate, but have not had a chance to visit since just after my oldest son was born. It's about time to return, and your pictures have just about convinced me - now to find the time!

Anonymous said...

Hi Betsy, Such lovely pictures of the blooms! Excellent pictures. Have a wonderful Friday tomorrow!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I can see why you described it as a heavenly experience. What gorgeous blooms! You are so blessed to live near enough to visit there so often.
Take care and have a wonderful Friday!

Marie said...

So Beautiful, Betsy!! I haven't been to the Biltmore in years and hubby & son have never been. We will definitely have to plan a trip!
hope you have a nice weekend!

diane b said...

I understand your delight. The gardens are just beautiful. It is nice to visit via your post.

Tanna said...

The Biltmore is on my bucket list, but you have satisfied me for now. ;) SWEET photo of you two lovebirds. Love it! blessings ~ tanna

Manzanita said...

The beauty, the color and the aroma of fresh earth mixed with the scent of flowers. It can't get any better and your photos are superb. It almost makes me think I am right there.
When I lived in Florida and was heavy into dance competition, we often competed in Ashville. Your photos make me realize how much we missed by just about never leaving the studio and hotel. But I had tunnel vision in those days...... now my vision is much broader and I see beauty in many more things than dancing.

Big Dude said...

Looks gorgeous Betsy - thanks for the shots

Sally Wessely said...

Gasp. If I saw all those azaleas in one place, I'd probably truly believe I'd been transported to heaven. An azalea sighting is a rare treat for this girl from the west. We don't see them out here except indoors, and I always kill them. Beautiful!

HappyK said...

That place is so beautiful. We have to make it a point to go there for a visit!!

Rose said...

What beauty!!! I can almost feel how you felt from just looking at these photos. I like the pictures of you, too.

Beatriz said...

Hi Betsy!
When I lived in a big house, many years ago, I used to have azaleas in the yard. But now, living in a big city and a small apartment, it's impossible!
I can see here in your photos all the beauty back after that strong winter, brrrrrr!!!

Have a nice week dear Betsy and take care!

Bia <°))))<

Deb J. in Utah said...

How lovely - such beautiful flowers!

Shug said...

So much beauty in one place.....you can't beat that. Absolutely gorgeous!!

I can only imagine how sweet the fragrance was waling through that place!

and...the picture of you and George is another great one!!

Linda said...

Oh, those are awesome azaleas! You and George look good too!

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Betsy. Beautiful azaleas. The azaleas we have here in the north bloom before they leaf out. Not nearly as lovely as the southern azaleas.

A Colorful World said...

Azaleas in spring (and dogwoods!) always make me so happy! They remind me so much of home in Alabama, and home in Virginia. Bellengrath Gardens in Mobile, and a gardens I've forgotten the name of in Montgomery, and the Botanical gardens in Norfolk, Va were always favorite spots, plus everyone's yards are always filled with these treasures. I've never been to Biltmore, though Mom & Dad and our daughter have been. If I lived on the east coast I think I would have to get a season's pass there as well! Your pictures are as you say, just HEAVENLY!

Unknown said...

lovely shots! I enjoy every single one of it! Probably because I personally deeply in love with flowers! :D

From Bali, Indonesia - with love, Imme ❤

Connie said...

Wow, so amazing! You really did get there at just the right time. They are so beautiful, Betsy. Thank you for sharing these photos.

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Heavenly for sure,

Kay said...

Oh my gosh, Betsy! These are absolutely awesome. Mom loves azaleas. She would have loved that garden. Your photos are spectacular.

Annesphamily said...

Those azaleas are so beautiful. I would love to visit there with you!