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Friday, May 22, 2009

Ice Castle Falls

In March of 2008, George and I drove north of Crossville to the Big South Fork area. We wanted to do some hiking and 'waterfalling' on a beautiful, early spring day. So--we went to the Honey Creek area to hike part of the loop trail there.

We accomplished all that we set out to do. Our accomplishments: We took a great 3 mile hike (the exercise we needed) AND got to see FOUR new waterfalls (Christopher Falls, Ice Castle Falls, Brooke Falls and Honey Creek Falls). All were nice---but my favorite by far was Ice Castle Falls. The big cliffs, boulders, rhododendron and laurels, and a cave-like rock-house made an incredible setting. It was just one of those serene, gorgeous places to visit!!! Today, I want to share some photos from Ice Castle Falls. Above is me standing by the Ice Castle Falls sign. Below are more!

This is the actual waterfall (Ice Castle). As you can tell, there isn't much water coming over the falls. However, it is still one of my favorite waterfalls, mainly because of the setting.

George stands at the base of Ice Castle Falls. You just cannot imagine how neat this rock-house was all around the area.

Besides the rock-shelf and the waterfall, there were gorgeous Rhododendrons all around. Awesome!!!

You can get more of an idea about all of the huge rocks in this area. It was like a HUGE bowl!!!

Another view of the rock-shelf and the Rhodies; It's hard to show its beauty in pictures. You just need to be there!!!!

George wandered around among the Rhodies and rocks to get lots of pictures from all different angles.

Look what I did while George wandered around... I could have sat here FOREVER---well, at least until the nighttime critters came out!!!!! Yipes!

Look at those enormous rocks.... Like I said, it was like a huge bowl. Even with only a little water coming over the falls, the sound was loud because of the echoes.

Another picture of Ice Castle Falls

And finally, here is my favorite picture of Ice Castle Falls. If you ever get in the Big South Fork area in Tennessee, check out this beautiful area. There were three other waterfalls that we saw that day--but this one was definitely our favorite.

As I've said many times, some of our favorite waterfalls (out of the 350 or so that we've seen total) are the smaller ones in perfect settings. AND--if we have the falls to ourselves ---like we did that day, they will always be VERY special.


My Bluebird babies are doing fine and really growing. I should be thankful there are only FOUR in the nest. I don't know what they'd do if there were more!!! If you look carefully, you can now see 3 beaks...

We went to Hendersonville yesterday to see George's parents. They both are doing fine.. Dad (age 97) got out on his tractor this week and mowed his lawn... Mom was so cute yesterday. We were sitting around their dining room table talking to them. Dad was trying to say something but couldn't get the words out. Mom looked over at him and said: "Having a Senior Moment?" The way she said it made me laugh outloud. What a pair--and an inspiration.

Have a wonderful day.