In early November of 2006, we drove to Smith County, TN (west of us) and visited Edgar Evins State Park. It was a sunny Fall day and we enjoyed some gorgeous Fall colors in the park. We hiked the Highland Rim Nature Trail through the woods, going up and down the mountainside, and along the Center Hill Lake shore. After that hike, we drove down to the lake and enjoyed a fabulous sunset before heading home.
Hope you enjoy our pictures from that beautiful day. The picture above was taken as we hiked beside the Center Hill Lake. Below are more!

This hike through those woods that day was so pretty.

I stopped and stood quietly as we watched a deer.

The little deer was trying hard to stay out of our sight---but we did manage to get a partial picture of him.

Aren't the Autumn colors gorgeous in this picture ---with the sun shining brightly on them?

At this time, I didn't have my own camera... SO--I had to snatch the camera from George so that I could get his picture. (Now--I don't have that problem!!! ha)

After that hike, we went down to the lake shore to wait for the sun to set. I must have gotten hot and tired after the hike since I found a place to sit and OFF came the sweatshirt!!!!

A beautiful Mama Duck came by to chat with us while we waited.

George waits for the sunset also ---along the shore. Center Hill Lake is a beautiful lake.

I love the shadows and reflections in this picture ---as we watched the sun go down in the west. Isn't this a gorgeous shot?

Here it is!!!!!!! Wow---wasn't that worth us waiting for????? I could have sat and watched that sunset forever. Unfortunately, it got dark quickly and we had to head back home!!!!
Hope you enjoyed our visit to Edgar Evins State Park (about an hour and a half west of where we live).
Have a great Monday. Today is our 101st MONTH-aversary!!!! Bet we'll go out to dinner to celebrate tonight!!!! Yeah!