Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Since I write long and detailed blog posts,   I know that some of you (if you are busy like me) would prefer a shorter blog.   Unless you are 'into' traveling like we are,  my blogs may be boring to you.  SO---I'm giving you an alternative (although it still involves some photos from our trips and adventures).

I am starting a Photo Blog ---which I will alternate  (at least once a week) with this blog.  That will give you busy people a choice ---and I hope you enjoy it.  I have been frustrated lately, feeling as if some people are tired of my long blog posts.  After reading Theresa's post on Blogging on Sunday,  all of this frustration just poured out of me.  SO--I had a long chat with my hero, my hubby,  and he gave me the suggestion of adding a Photo Blog.  AHA---I'm going to try it.

SO---I hope you will follow this link:  BETSY'S PHOTO BLOG  to the new blog today and leave a comment.  ALSO---please follow the new blog.  The followers' list is below the blog.  Thanks SO much!!! 

Let me know what you feel about the new blog!!!

ALSO---Happy Birthday to one of my granddaughters, Brooke... She turns 16 today --and first on her list is getting her driver's license!!!   Happy Birthday,  Beautiful Young Lady. I love you!!!
