Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to FEBRUARY . This Mama Bluebird (all puffed up trying to keep warm), is saying: "Okay, Winter.. It's time to move on." Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Since I write long and detailed blog posts,   I know that some of you (if you are busy like me) would prefer a shorter blog.   Unless you are 'into' traveling like we are,  my blogs may be boring to you.  SO---I'm giving you an alternative (although it still involves some photos from our trips and adventures).

I am starting a Photo Blog ---which I will alternate  (at least once a week) with this blog.  That will give you busy people a choice ---and I hope you enjoy it.  I have been frustrated lately, feeling as if some people are tired of my long blog posts.  After reading Theresa's post on Blogging on Sunday,  all of this frustration just poured out of me.  SO--I had a long chat with my hero, my hubby,  and he gave me the suggestion of adding a Photo Blog.  AHA---I'm going to try it.

SO---I hope you will follow this link:  BETSY'S PHOTO BLOG  to the new blog today and leave a comment.  ALSO---please follow the new blog.  The followers' list is below the blog.  Thanks SO much!!! 

Let me know what you feel about the new blog!!!

ALSO---Happy Birthday to one of my granddaughters, Brooke... She turns 16 today --and first on her list is getting her driver's license!!!   Happy Birthday,  Beautiful Young Lady. I love you!!!



Rose ~ from Oz said...

Congratulations to Brooke! I think there is little in life at that beautiful age as exciting as getting one's driver's licence!! YAY!
Oh Betsy, I loved your Blog just the way it was! OK but I'll dash over to your new one and have a look-see. But I'll follow both!!

diane b said...

Me too, I liked your blog the way it was/is. Like you I prefer a journal blog, where we have a story to go with a few photos. It makes interesting reading. The one photo blogs are okay but sometimes one has to scratch their head to think of a comment. But each to his/her own. Good luck with your new venture.

eileeninmd said...

Betsy, I will be following both of your blogs. I enjoy the photos and stories about your trips. Happy Birthday to your granddaughter Brooke! Have a happy day!

Jeevan said...

My Congrats on the new blog Betsy, I hope to follow both of them :)

Elizabeth Edwards said...

Happy Birthdy Brooke!! enjoy your new blog. going to check it out. big big hugs. ( :

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Happy Birthday Brooke!
Betsy, I love traveling vicariously with you & George on your adventures!

Neal said...

I enjoy your long post. You are a good writer. I try to read everything (sometimes I don't make ut because I get interrupted or don't have the time) but I always look through the pictures to see where/what they are. I look at your pictures first because I don't want to miss them and then I go back and read. Sometimes I get behind and don't leave comments but I always look at your and George's blogs.

Karin said...

Congrats to your grandangel on her 16th Birthday celebration! I love both your and George's blog just the way they are. With the challenges at home, I do spend much less time visiting and commenting on blogs than I did when I started blogging. Will check out your new photo blog - but I'll probably stay more with this one. Good thing I have you on fb!! Have a great day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think this is a good idea. i popped over to the new one and i like the big PHOTO. I can't get mine that big, even though i have tried and tried.

Shug said...

Happy Birthday Brooke! Hope it's a great day for you...hope you get those DL soon..
I think your addition for a photo blog is an excellent idea! you have one smart hubby there..
Stay warm and enjoy the day.

Eat To Live said...

Happy Birthday Brooke!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I like your blog as it is of course :-) But I hope your new blog is perfect for those looking for a simpler approach! Happy birthday to Brooke.

linda m said...

Betsy, I love your blog just the way it is. I have enjoyed reading about all your travels, especially since I don't get to travel much. I am going to pop over to your new blog and check it out. Adding it to your existing blog is a good idea. George is a very wise man.

Linda P said...

Happy birthday to your grand daughter!

Lynda said...

I've been to visit and am staying. You did a great job and I'm thrilled we get "two of you"!

Chatty Crone said...

Happy Birthday to Brooke. And I will go look at your blog!
Hugs, sandie

Unknown said...

G'morn Betsy ~ NEVER EVAH tire of your posts, they are wonderful. I just haven't been visiting blogs nor writing them either.

Happy birthday to your Brooke ...

Hugs & love

Sylvia K said...

A very Happy Birthday to Brooke!! Hope she has a wonderful day! And Betsy, I'll be checking out your new blog!! Hope you have a great day! Enjoy!

camp and cottage living said...

I'll pop over to see your new blog.
Somedays I have time to read long post and others I don't.
I don't think there's any set rules
I've always enjoyed your beautiful photos!
Happy B'Day to Brooke!

Fred Alton said...

First - Betsy, your blog has always been interesting and delightful to read. Through it I came to feel as if I know you and
George personally and consider you good friends. Of course I'll check out your new blog and follow it as soon as possible. A Happy Birthday to Brooke! Isn't it wonderful to watch our children's children blossom into adult-hood?

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Happy Birthday to Brooke

Ruth Hiebert said...

I have already signed up to follow the new blog. Don't want to miss any of those gorgeous pictures.I may have to use your idea and post one picture at a time.

Out on the prairie said...

fun to share both ,I thought you have had good following

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Congratulations on your new photo blog Betsy, it will surely be a feast for ones eyes with your spectacular collection of photographs.
A little snow here last night, and windy and cold today, I thought of you last night when they showed the weather forecast on the plateau !

Nellie said...

Happy Birthday to Brooke!

We have had just enough snow here today to look pretty, but it is disappearing quickly at this point.

xo Nellie

Small City Scenes said...

I hope I can keep up with both blogs but I will try. Happy birthday to Brooke and hope she gets her license. soon! MB

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I love the photo you chose for your first one on the new blog. Very pretty. Wishing you as much success there as you enjoy here.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to Brooke!
I enjoy both blogs :) and do follow them.


Terry and Linda said...

I'm heading over...I like to visit all of yours and George's blogs!


Arkansas Patti said...

Happy Birthday Brooke. Sixteen is one of the best milestone birthdays.
Don't think you are boring anyone Betsy, plenty of people stop by here.
I'll skip over to your other blog and check it out. I can barely handle a once a week post and here you are with two blogs. Wow.

Ann said...

Happy Birthday Brooke. I'm off to check out the new blog

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Happy Birthday to Brooke.
Congrats on your New Blog.
Photo Blogs are nice.

RoeH said...

I always liked your blog just the way it was. But I'm on my way over to check out the new one. I thought once about having just a blog for photos and no words but it went over like a lead balloon. Life is for trying this and that. :)

Wendy said...

Be yourself, Betsy. Blog when, how, why, and whatever you want. There will always be people who can't get enough of your posts (your cheerful and happy attitude helped me through many dark days after my husband died) and others who just want to flit from blog to blog.

Just do what you love (and give hubby a big hug for being there for you!).

Will check out your other blog. Congratulations on adding a photo blog and congrats to granddaughter Brooke. Time flies!!!

Dee said...

Dear Betsy, I'll be following both your blogs. I so enjoy going on a trip with you!!!! Peace.

Sharkbytes said...

I just came over to say hi from Ann's Scrap and Edit.

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Happy Birthday to Brooke!
I like your blog posts. I may never leave GA and I get to see the USA through your blog.

carolina nana said...

A photo blog sounds like an interesting idea. Your blog post are not boring but I think we all get that feeling especially I do during this time of year when there isn't anything exciting going on. I have to continually remind myself of the reason I started a blog. That is to preserve my lifestyle for future generations of family and others,not that anyone else will be interested.
One day when hubbie retires I hope to get to travel like you and George do and keep a record of those travels in pictures but until then guess I'll just keep keepin on !!! Haha !!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Happy birthday to Brooke! I hope her drivers test goes smoothly.
I've found that my shorter posts are more enjoyable for everyone too....so I try to keep things short and sweet most of the time!

joy said...

Congratulation to your new blog. No matter what, i love what you shares:)

SquirrelQueen said...

Both of your blogs are great Betsy. Of course now you have two just like me, keeping up with both can be a challenge at times. Have fun and don't let it become too much work.

Beatriz said...

I went to your new blog and loved at all!!! I'll also follow you there!
A big hug from Brazil!


I Am Woody said...

Congrats on the new blog! I love all the detail on this one :)

Grandma Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday to Brooke! That driver's license is most important for a 16 year old! I am stopping over now to check out your new blog.

DeniseinVA said...

Congratulations on starting your new blog Betsy. I enjoyed my visit and have become a follower. I will also put it on my blog roll.

Gina Gao said...

Congrats on starting your new blog! I'm going over to check it out.


Beth said...

Well, count me in as one who likes your blog just as it is, Betsy! When I read the posts of your travels with George, I feel almost as though I've traveled, too. And I'm always writing down the places you go for reference later when Tom and I (hopefully) are free to travel a bit ourselves. I used to worry about my posts being too long,too, but just decided to write whatever I pleased since I've found you can't please everyone, and it's an exercise in futility to try.

I'm really glad you're keeping this blog. But I think your new photo blog looks lovely, too!

Angela said...

I'm headed over there right now to check out your new blog!

Small Kucing said...

heading over there now...