Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to JULY!!!! Our Lilies are blooming now... So gorgeous!!! Here is one of my many favorites! Meet DIZZY.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

2024 DAYLILIES in our Yard

Good Morning Friends,  Can you believe it is JUNE already???  The older I get,  the more time seems to fly!!!!!! Last month,  I posted our IRISES ---so this month I'm featuring some of our Day Lilies blooming in our yard...  Hope you enjoy them.  The yellow ones always bring a smile to my face!!!!

Early Bird Cardinal

Butterscotch Ruffles

Tiger Time

Charles Johnston

Dad Adams Day Lily  (George's Dad gave this one to us many years ago.  It is very special to both of us!)

Black-Eyed Stella

Lullaby Baby

Yellow Bouquet

I'm sure there will be more to come!!!!  The Lilies are also beginning to bloom.   Don't you just LOVE Spring and Summer!!!   Seeing these blooms is good for the soul!!!!!

Have an awesome JUNE.




Saturday, May 18, 2024


 Dear Blog Friends,   Our IRISES in the yard this year have been truly fantastic.  We have had 51 different varieties --and all of them had many stalks/blooms...  Truly Awesome.    Here are some more of my favorite Irises for 2024.... 

World Premier  4/23/24

Autumn Circus 4/23/24

Picasso Moon4/24/24

Garden Grace 4/24/24/

Laura Jean 4/24/24

Second Fiddle 4/27/24

Goodnight Kiss 4/28/24

Broadway 4/29/24 (a favorite new Iris this year)

Another favorite new Iris this year:  Daughter of Stars (4/29/24)

Orange Harvest 5/2/24  (an every year favorite.) 

Another every year favorite:  Bountiful Harvest 5/4/24

Tennessee VOL   5/6/24.  (favorite since I love the TN VOLS)

WELL--enough Irises for today!!!!!  The Irises are leaving us now--but hopefully some of the re-bloomers will bloom again in Fall. 

Hope you are safe and well.  We've had our share of storms here --but so far, nothing serious...  It has been many years since we've had THIS much rain!   BUT --after seeing what happened in Houston this week,  I do NOT need to complain about 'just' rain here!!!
