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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Name your Favorites

Many bloggers throughout the country have been talking about Daffodils recently since they are among the early spring bloomers each year. I mentioned in another blog that I grew up calling them Jonquils --and there are other names used, depending upon where you are.

WELL----you may or may not know that there are many, many types of Daffodils. George and I have been adding different Daffodils to our collection each year. Today, I want to show you some of ours. You'll have to tell me your fav's!!!! Above is one that is seen quite often around the country. Its name is Colossal.

Copper Queen



One of my fav's----a double Daffodil called Replete

A different color of Replete Daffodil

A white-on-white named Mount Hood (Think of the snow on top of Mt. Hood!!!)

Easter Bonnet

Las Vegas


This is a close-up of our 'little' Daffodils given to us by Dad Adams. Aren't they pretty??? Since they don't have a name, I have named them "John Adams".

I had to close with this picture---showing you our gorgeous little "John Adams" Daffodils... We have these in several places in our yard---and they bloom like this every year... They add so much color to the yard.

Hope you enjoyed our collection. NOW----which ones are your favorites?????