Welcome to JOYFUL REFLECTIONS. Also welcome to MARCH . March is a good month since Winter is leaving and Spring begins. YEAH!!! My header photo this month is a picture of one of our three early 'bloomers' in our yard in March. Say hello to our PINK HYACINTHS. Hope you have a month filled with JOY and lots of LOVE...

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Blue Ridge, Georgia Trip

While looking through some old photos,  I came across some that I decided to share with you today.  In October of 2005,  the "Getaway Gang"  ---made up of childhood friends:  Susan Hollifield Daugherty,  Reida Rankin, Nita Holding Wilson and me,  took one of our annual trips --this time to a cabin on top of a mountain in  Blue Ridge, Georgia.

Many of you may know about my trips with these special friends.  I have blogged about these yearly trips quite a bit in past.  The four of us grew up together and when we graduated from high school,  we all went our separate ways..

In 1992,  when we all turned 50,  we decided to get together for a few days to 'catch up'... That turned out to be a fabulous reunion ---so we decided to continue doing it most every year until a few years ago.  We lost one of us (Susan) in 2011 to Breast Cancer.  Since she died,  the three of us just haven't been able to get together anymore.  I hope that we do someday.  I miss our 'get-togethers'---and I miss Susan TERRIBLY.  If you want to see some of my other blog posts of my time with these wonderful friends,  click HERE.

Even though the pictures were taken from an OLD camera in 2005,  some of them are worthy for the blog I think.... The picture above is one of the sunrises we saw every morning  from our cabin on that mountain.   I love this photo showing the fog in the valley below...

Be sure to click on the pictures for enlargements.

Here is a picture of our wonderful little cabin we rented that week.   The little cabin was decorated with bears.  Someone was very creative--as there were bears EVERYWHERE in that cabin ---even the light fixtures!!!

This is the road to our cabin... I got out and walked in the area one day... There were a few other cabins in the area --but we were on a dead-end road.  (I'd love to own that cabin!)

This is not a great picture,  but I wanted you to see some of the mountain ranges in that area.  Blue Ridge is a great little city in the mountains in North Georgia...

Here's one more photo of our neat little cabin.  Isn't it pretty?  The weather was perfect--and we enjoyed sitting on the deck ALOT during that visit.

Here's a collage of the four of us.  Top left:  Reida, Susan, Betsy;  Bottom left: Nita and Susan;  Top right: Susan, Nita, Reida.

AND--here's another collage of us from that trip. Bottom left:  ME in the tub;  Bottom right:  Reida, Nita (standing), and Susan.  The middle picture is dark --but at the table, you can see Nita, Susan and Reida.

Here are two more photos of those glorious sunrises.  There is nothing better than seeing a sunrise or sunset... Our cabin was in a perfect location to enjoy these..

UPDATE:  Please say a prayer for friend, Reida... She has MS --and has been in the hospital recently.  

Finally,  here is a photo of PINK CLOUDS (not taken on this trip)....  When Susan died,  she told us all that she would be sitting up there on a Pink Cloud--waiting for us to join her.  Every single time I see a pink cloud these days,  I think of Susan... She was a wonderful woman --and is SO missed!!!!  OH--how I love her!

Have a great day ---and take time to HUG those people whom you love.

HUGS to you,